Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os03g57430.1 NUP1/NUP136 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex LOC_Os03g57430 0.8799298441754047 7 LOC_Os01g41630.1 regulatory component B of PP2A phosphatase complexes ATB BETA, LOC_Os01g41630 0.8646980306520399 12 LOC_Os01g55580.1 CPP1-like transcription factor LOC_Os01g55580 0.8591312527330311 18 LOC_Os04g47240.1 protein kinase (MAP3K-MEKK) YDA, EMB71, MAPKKK4, LOC_Os04g47240 0.8581996283435057 35 LOC_Os02g39550.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os02g39550 0.8547950266018687 19 LOC_Os07g09400.1 tRNA ligase 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q0wl81|rnl_arath : 1431.0) ATRNL, AtRLG1, RNL, LOC_Os07g09400 0.8510415385817518 32 LOC_Os11g16430.1 diphthamide biosynthesis protein (DPH2) LOC_Os11g16430 0.8467112522716845 17 LOC_Os01g56580.2 protein kinase (MLK). protein kinase (MLK) LOC_Os01g56580 0.8367904951669687 9 LOC_Os03g45410.1 protein (TBP) component TATA-box-binding of TFIId basal transcription regulation complex. TATA-box-binding protein of RNA polymerase III-dependent transcription ATTBP2, TBP2, LOC_Os03g45410 0.8360138203022671 79 LOC_Os11g43970.1 ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein FIGL1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jex5|figl1_arath : 234.0) LOC_Os11g43970 0.8345821974456051 67 LOC_Os06g40730.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os06g40730 0.8316067857763308 22 LOC_Os03g11580.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os03g11580 0.8297965972465016 26 LOC_Os11g14950.1 regulatory subunit of acetolactate synthase complex. regulatory subunit of acetolactate synthase complex LOC_Os11g14950 0.8289463570029533 15 LOC_Os11g34120.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os11g34120 0.8287008017997232 36 LOC_Os12g41210.1 CPP1-like transcription factor TCX2, ATTCX2, LOC_Os12g41210 0.8229201515971446 36 LOC_Os12g36900.1 Protein DEHYDRATION-INDUCED 19 homolog 7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fj17|di197_arath : 119.0) HRB1, LOC_Os12g36900 0.8210107105651244 19 LOC_Os09g17840.1 subunit alpha of co-translational insertion system Sec61 subcomplex LOC_Os09g17840 0.8180904891302184 20 LOC_Os09g34040.1 RAB-GTPase-activating protein (RAB-GAP) LOC_Os09g34040 0.8178608007650408 69 LOC_Os10g36710.1 protein kinase (CRK) CRK3, ATCRK3, LOC_Os10g36710 0.8161678771907219 39 LOC_Os02g02290.1 ATP-dependent helicase BRM OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6evk6|brm_arath : 1739.0) CHA2, CHR2, BRM, ATBRM, LOC_Os02g02290 0.8158324676924693 49 LOC_Os01g55590.1 malonyl-CoA synthetase (mtMCS) LOC_Os01g55590 0.815468840863904 88 LOC_Os03g54770.1 component CstF50 of Cleavage Stimulatory Factor (CstF) complex LOC_Os03g54770 0.8111268473843152 93 LOC_Os10g26610.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os10g26610 0.8094878449645214 39 LOC_Os01g67330.1 nucleotide sugar transporter (UTR6) UTR6, ATUTR6, LOC_Os01g67330 0.8051112539962925 32 LOC_Os01g43020.1 CTP synthetase emb2742, LOC_Os01g43020 0.8048973833460313 33 LOC_Os01g27150.1 scaffold component CUL1/CUL2 of SKP1-CUL1-FBX (SCF) E3 ligase complexes AXR6, ATCUL1, CUL1, LOC_Os01g27150 0.8043125537373975 58 LOC_Os01g72049.1 ssDNA-binding protein (OSB). TAC9 cofactor of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase PTAC9, OSB2, LOC_Os01g72049 0.8038502514896912 54 LOC_Os04g44810.1 SYP8-group Qa-type SNARE component ATSYP81, SYP81, UFE1, ATUFE1, LOC_Os04g44810 0.8025250922895448 52 LOC_Os02g48810.1 PHD finger protein At3g20280 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q5pns0|y3228_arath : 101.0) LOC_Os02g48810 0.80167633882696 56 LOC_Os01g69850.1 transcription factor (MADS/AGL) AGL79, LOC_Os01g69850 0.8012723417221729 39 LOC_Os03g44660.1 5prime-nucleotidase LOC_Os03g44660 0.799628719046288 69 LOC_Os11g16390.1 F-box protein SKIP16 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lnd7|ski16_arath : 381.0) SKIP16, LOC_Os11g16390 0.7933550699845291 49 LOC_Os08g37950.1 P1B-type heavy metal cation-transporting ATPase (HMA) PAA1, HMA6, LOC_Os08g37950 0.7919725817970283 92 LOC_Os01g37790.1 histone H3 methylation reader (PWO) LOC_Os01g37790 0.7914702380770641 47 LOC_Os08g33390.1 Ultraviolet-B receptor UVR8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fn03|uvr8_arath : 162.0) LOC_Os08g33390 0.7910234408069223 48 LOC_Os07g07610.1 subunit 11 of RNA polymerase NRPE11, NRPD11, ATRPB13.6, NRPB11, LOC_Os07g07610 0.7882995872128793 49 LOC_Os03g61210.1 Protein LAZ1 homolog 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94ca0|lazh1_arath : 151.0) LOC_Os03g61210 0.7847921888728452 52 LOC_Os07g29630.1 component VPS24 of ESCRT-III complex VPS24.1, LOC_Os07g29630 0.7836205263678242 71 LOC_Os03g49750.1 protein kinase (TTK) PPK1, LOC_Os03g49750 0.781549494347994 76 LOC_Os02g48110.1 nucleotide exchange factor (Grp170) LOC_Os02g48110 0.7806076957418985 56 LOC_Os01g18070.1 carbonic anhydrase non-core component of NADH dehydrogenase GAMMA CA1, LOC_Os01g18070 0.7803944104844388 62 LOC_Os02g54150.1 SAC-group-I inositol-polyphosphate 3,5-phosphatase LOC_Os02g54150 0.778839208902615 61 LOC_Os09g36190.1 component GAUT1 of GAUT1:GAUT7 galacturonosyltransferase complex LGT1, GAUT1, LOC_Os09g36190 0.7772005407489643 66 LOC_Os12g06020.1 regulatory component DCP1 of mRNA decapping complex DCP1, ATDCP1, LOC_Os12g06020 0.7765692323638393 67 LOC_Os07g31540.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os07g31540 0.7765080383097213 68 LOC_Os08g03650.1 BTB/POZ domain-containing protein At1g30440 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9s9q9|y1044_arath : 783.0) LOC_Os08g03650 0.7752522954779437 71 LOC_Os10g38030.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os10g38030 0.7746486561554942 91 LOC_Os12g32992.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os12g32992 0.7741779047738871 77 LOC_Os10g02760.1 no description available(sp|q9zt92|ak10b_arath : 155.0) LOC_Os10g02760 0.7712695194089586 95 LOC_Os01g42620.2 Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g54980, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sv46|pp282_arath : 456.0) LOC_Os01g42620 0.7664708265017645 92