Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os10g21418.1 component NdhF of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHF, LOC_Os10g21418 0.9390025205123056 1 LOC_Os06g46435.1 component NdhD of NDH membrane subcomplex M NAD4, LOC_Os06g46435 0.9364092725863178 2 LOC_Os10g21398.1 component NdhI of NDH subcomplex A NDHI, LOC_Os10g21398 0.9262219353391091 7 LOC_Os10g38206.1 component NdhC of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHC, LOC_Os10g38206 0.9251065453052609 7 LOC_Os02g24574.1 component NdhG of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHG, LOC_Os02g24574 0.923278820947817 7 LOC_Os08g15248.1 component NdhB of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHB.1, LOC_Os08g15248 0.91416459825597 15 LOC_Os07g25004.1 component NdhB of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHB.1, LOC_Os07g25004 0.91416459825597 15 LOC_Os02g24598.1 Chloroplast envelope membrane protein OS=Oryza sativa subsp. indica (sp|p0c303|cema_orysi : 429.0) YCF10, LOC_Os02g24598 0.9131861359277343 21 LOC_Os10g38278.1 component psRPS2 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS2, LOC_Os10g38278 0.9099231220599261 26 LOC_Os02g24612.1 component psRPS2 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS2, LOC_Os02g24612 0.9099231220599261 26 LOC_Os01g65902.1 apocytochrome f component PetA of cytochrome b6/f complex PETA, LOC_Os01g65902 0.9083974133351591 35 LOC_Os10g38214.1 component psRPS4 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS4, LOC_Os10g38214 0.9082100896239154 16 LOC_Os04g16738.1 component psRPS4 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS4, LOC_Os04g16738 0.9082100896239154 16 LOC_Os04g16764.1 component psRPS4 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS4, LOC_Os04g16764 0.9082100896239154 16 LOC_Os04g16842.1 RpoA core component plastid-encoded RNA polymerase RPOA, LOC_Os04g16842 0.9079551039203891 21 LOC_Os10g21342.1 component psRPL14 of large ribosomal subunit proteome RPL14, LOC_Os10g21342 0.8990618518187622 26 LOC_Os08g15276.1 component psRPL14 of large ribosomal subunit proteome RPL14, LOC_Os08g15276 0.8990618518187622 26 LOC_Os04g16828.1 component psRPL14 of large ribosomal subunit proteome RPL14, LOC_Os04g16828 0.8990618518187622 26 LOC_Os05g22722.1 component psRPL14 of large ribosomal subunit proteome RPL14, LOC_Os05g22722 0.8990618518187622 26 LOC_Os10g21404.1 component NdhE of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHE, LOC_Os10g21404 0.89541073659268 20 LOC_Os07g22496.1 component NdhE of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHE, LOC_Os07g22496 0.89541073659268 21 LOC_Os06g46438.1 component NdhE of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHE, LOC_Os06g46438 0.89541073659268 22 LOC_Os04g16740.1 subunit alpha of peripheral CF1 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPA, LOC_Os04g16740 0.8948351357315173 38 LOC_Os10g38212.1 component NdhJ of NDH subcomplex A NDHJ, LOC_Os10g38212 0.8907601744635804 24 LOC_Os01g58024.1 component NdhJ of NDH subcomplex A NDHJ, LOC_Os01g58024 0.8907601744635804 25 LOC_Os04g16830.1 DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit beta OS=Oryza sativa (sp|p0c507|rpoc2_orysa : 534.0) RPOC2, LOC_Os04g16830 0.8845886561042493 26 LOC_Os10g21396.1 component NdhA of NDH membrane subcomplex M NDHA, LOC_Os10g21396 0.8838012607340932 27 LOC_Os04g16734.1 maturase (MatK) MATK, LOC_Os04g16734 0.8757663206167289 28 LOC_Os10g38216.1 YCF3 protein involved in PS-I assembly YCF3, LOC_Os10g38216 0.8735247547558185 31 LOC_Os10g21254.1 YCF3 protein involved in PS-I assembly YCF3, LOC_Os10g21254 0.8735247547558185 31 LOC_Os04g16736.1 YCF3 protein involved in PS-I assembly YCF3, LOC_Os04g16736 0.8735247547558185 31 LOC_Os01g57966.1 YCF3 protein involved in PS-I assembly YCF3, LOC_Os01g57966 0.8735247547558185 32 LOC_Os10g21266.1 subunit beta of peripheral CF1 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPB, PB, LOC_Os10g21266 0.8677748009058647 57 LOC_Os12g34550.1 component psRPS15 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS15, LOC_Os12g34550 0.8636432020822015 34 LOC_Os04g16816.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf72 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q36996|ycf72_orysj : 203.0) RPL2.1, LOC_Os04g16816 0.8614864348101499 35 LOC_Os07g25018.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf72 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q36996|ycf72_orysj : 203.0) RPL2.1, LOC_Os07g25018 0.8614864348101499 36 LOC_Os09g24406.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf72 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q36996|ycf72_orysj : 203.0) RPL2.1, LOC_Os09g24406 0.8614864348101499 37 LOC_Os10g21324.1 apocytochrome b component PetB of cytochrome b6/f complex PETB, LOC_Os10g21324 0.8573770526361104 60 LOC_Os04g16846.1 apocytochrome b component PetB of cytochrome b6/f complex PETB, LOC_Os04g16846 0.8573770526361104 60 LOC_Os01g57942.1 apocytochrome b component PetB of cytochrome b6/f complex PETB, LOC_Os01g57942 0.8573770526361104 60 LOC_Os07g41300.1 NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase subunit H, chloroplastic OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|p0c337|ndhh_orysj : 184.0) NDHH, LOC_Os07g41300 0.8561588325985298 41 LOC_Os12g10570.1 ATP synthase subunit beta, chloroplastic OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|p12085|atpb_orysj : 747.0) ATPB, PB, LOC_Os12g10570 0.855603418991878 42 LOC_Os02g24604.1 YCF4 protein involved in PS-I assembly YCF4, LOC_Os02g24604 0.8538653044361018 46 LOC_Os10g21312.1 component psRPS18 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS18, LOC_Os10g21312 0.8512418233723449 44 LOC_Os10g21308.1 component psRPL33 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os10g21308 0.8508063917300351 45 LOC_Os06g39718.1 component psRPL33 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os06g39718 0.8508063917300351 46 LOC_Os10g21372.1 component psRPS7 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS7.1, RPS7, LOC_Os10g21372 0.8498977747985728 47 LOC_Os08g15246.1 component psRPS7 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS7.1, RPS7, LOC_Os08g15246 0.8498977747985728 48 LOC_Os04g16886.1 component psRPS7 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS7.1, RPS7, LOC_Os04g16886 0.8498977747985728 49 LOC_Os04g16856.1 component psRPS7 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS7.1, RPS7, LOC_Os04g16856 0.8498977747985728 50 LOC_Os07g25002.1 component psRPS7 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS7.1, RPS7, LOC_Os07g25002 0.8498977747985728 51 LOC_Os10g21236.1 subunit a of membrane CF0 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPI, LOC_Os10g21236 0.8487774003984887 52 LOC_Os06g39700.1 RpoA core component plastid-encoded RNA polymerase RPOA, LOC_Os06g39700 0.8480638460131444 53 LOC_Os04g16728.1 component psRPS15 of small ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os04g16728 0.8466575122478284 54 LOC_Os08g15270.1 proteolytic core component ClpP1/3-6 of chloroplast Clp-type protease complex CLPP1, PCLPP, LOC_Os08g15270 0.8451544451750059 55 LOC_Os10g21366.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf73 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. indica (sp|p0c311|ycf73_orysi : 415.0) LOC_Os10g21366 0.8430608220971948 56 LOC_Os08g15252.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf73 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. indica (sp|p0c311|ycf73_orysi : 415.0) LOC_Os08g15252 0.8430608220971948 57 LOC_Os04g16804.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf73 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. indica (sp|p0c311|ycf73_orysi : 415.0) LOC_Os04g16804 0.8430608220971948 58 LOC_Os07g25006.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf73 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. indica (sp|p0c311|ycf73_orysi : 415.0) LOC_Os07g25006 0.8430608220971948 59 LOC_Os08g15308.1 component psRPS18 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS18, LOC_Os08g15308 0.8381487116260563 60 LOC_Os01g58000.1 subunit epsilon of peripheral CF1 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPE, LOC_Os01g58000 0.8365148253023953 79 LOC_Os08g15278.1 component psRPS8 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS8, LOC_Os08g15278 0.8364513515082228 62 LOC_Os04g16832.1 component psRPS8 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS8, LOC_Os04g16832 0.8364513515082228 63 LOC_Os05g22718.1 component psRPS8 of small ribosomal subunit proteome RPS8, LOC_Os05g22718 0.8364513515082228 64 LOC_Os06g39752.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os06g39752 0.834973468038672 65 LOC_Os06g39744.1 YCF4 protein involved in PS-I assembly YCF4, LOC_Os06g39744 0.8291764097916152 66 LOC_Os10g21358.1 component psRPL23 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os10g21358 0.8286525260025365 67 LOC_Os04g16812.1 component psRPL23 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os04g16812 0.8286525260025365 68 LOC_Os04g16782.1 component psRPL23 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os04g16782 0.8286525260025365 69 LOC_Os07g25014.1 component psRPL23 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os07g25014 0.8286525260025365 70 LOC_Os09g24402.1 component psRPL23 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os09g24402 0.8286525260025365 71 LOC_Os10g38196.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf68 OS=Oryza nivara (sp|q6enb7|ycf68_oryni : 243.0) LOC_Os10g38196 0.8261469347090193 72 LOC_Os04g16722.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf68 OS=Oryza nivara (sp|q6enb7|ycf68_oryni : 243.0) LOC_Os04g16722 0.8261469347090193 73 LOC_Os04g16896.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf68 OS=Oryza nivara (sp|q6enb7|ycf68_oryni : 243.0) LOC_Os04g16896 0.8261469347090193 74 LOC_Os07g24992.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf68 OS=Oryza nivara (sp|q6enb7|ycf68_oryni : 243.0) LOC_Os07g24992 0.8261469347090193 75 LOC_Os10g21240.1 subunit alpha of peripheral CF1 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPA, LOC_Os10g21240 0.8249349757768865 76 LOC_Os10g38276.1 subunit a of membrane CF0 subcomplex of ATP synthase complex ATPI, LOC_Os10g38276 0.8227971082564389 77 LOC_Os10g21326.1 component PetD/IV of cytochrome b6/f complex PETD, LOC_Os10g21326 0.8227911170902822 78 LOC_Os04g16844.1 component PetD/IV of cytochrome b6/f complex PETD, LOC_Os04g16844 0.8227911170902822 79 LOC_Os01g57945.1 component PetD/IV of cytochrome b6/f complex PETD, LOC_Os01g57945 0.8227911170902822 80 LOC_Os08g15312.1 component psRPL33 of large ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os08g15312 0.8193138895496963 81 LOC_Os04g16760.1 apoprotein PsaA of PS-I complex PSAA, LOC_Os04g16760 0.8181604623497825 82 LOC_Os05g01675.1 apoprotein PsaA of PS-I complex PSAA, LOC_Os05g01675 0.8181604623497825 83 LOC_Os10g21406.1 component PsaC of PS-I complex LOC_Os10g21406 0.8167360584150704 84 LOC_Os07g22498.1 component PsaC of PS-I complex LOC_Os07g22498 0.8167360584150704 85 LOC_Os06g46436.1 component PsaC of PS-I complex LOC_Os06g46436 0.8167360584150704 86 LOC_Os10g38238.1 component psRPS14 of small ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os10g38238 0.8135860556034205 87 LOC_Os10g21244.1 component psRPS14 of small ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os10g21244 0.8135860556034205 88 LOC_Os04g16745.1 component psRPS14 of small ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os04g16745 0.8135860556034205 89 LOC_Os09g19960.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os09g19960 0.8117537854824787 90 LOC_Os01g25065.1 ATP synthase subunit beta, chloroplastic OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|p12085|atpb_orysj : 556.0) ATPB, PB, LOC_Os01g25065 0.8114579381720189 91 LOC_Os06g46434.1 assembly factor CcsA of CCS cytochrome f/c6 maturation system (system II) YCF5, LOC_Os06g46434 0.8108865984373085 92 LOC_Os04g16824.1 component psRPS3 of small ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os04g16824 0.8085700749184526 93 LOC_Os09g24416.1 component psRPS3 of small ribosomal subunit proteome LOC_Os09g24416 0.8085700749184526 94 LOC_Os02g24586.1 Uncharacterized protein ycf68 OS=Oryza nivara (sp|q6enb7|ycf68_oryni : 237.0) LOC_Os02g24586 0.8074505299618411 95 LOC_Os07g22504.1 component NdhD of NDH membrane subcomplex M NAD4, LOC_Os07g22504 0.8011361428374907 96 LOC_Os10g41696.1 component PsbK of PS-II complex LOC_Os10g41696 0.7960059111716227 97 LOC_Os01g58022.1 component NdhK of NDH subcomplex A PSBG, LOC_Os01g58022 0.7943164372528941 98 LOC_Os04g16874.1 component PsbC/CP43 of PS-II reaction center complex PSBC, LOC_Os04g16874 0.7937043054194329 99 LOC_Os04g16866.1 component PsbK of PS-II complex LOC_Os04g16866 0.7921433405879088 100