Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr LOC_Os03g07080.1 deadenylase component CCR4 of CCR4-NOT complex LOC_Os03g07080 0.9601134641191852 1 LOC_Os05g01360.1 CORVET-specific component VPS3 of HOPS/CORVET membrane tethering complexes LOC_Os05g01360 0.9423713400680731 2 LOC_Os02g33490.1 proton-translocating pyrophosphatase (VHP2) VHP2;2, AtVHP2;2, LOC_Os02g33490 0.9414536762759903 9 LOC_Os03g61950.1 no description available(sp|q10az7|gpa3_orysj : 1034.0) LOC_Os03g61950 0.9374167844012701 4 LOC_Os01g47650.1 component VPS16/VCL1 of HOPS/CORVET membrane tethering complexes VCL1, EMB258, MAN, LOC_Os01g47650 0.9367907476875533 7 LOC_Os03g52700.1 ELYS scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex HOS1, LOC_Os03g52700 0.936762145133081 24 LOC_Os02g24134.1 VPS45 vesicle trafficking regulator protein VPS45, ATVPS45, LOC_Os02g24134 0.9364982096156963 7 LOC_Os08g33076.1 component CCZ1 of MON1-CCZ1 RAB7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor complex LOC_Os08g33076 0.9340217112700028 8 LOC_Os03g22380.1 SR30/34 RNA splicing factor At-SR34, SRP34, ATSRP34, SR34, SR1, LOC_Os03g22380 0.9331601805322225 9 LOC_Os07g47500.1 histone methylase (PRMT4) PRMT4B, ATPRMT4B, LOC_Os07g47500 0.9326410502615957 10 LOC_Os10g32880.1 component MAC3 of non-snRNP MOS4-associated complex MAC3A, LOC_Os10g32880 0.9321860135265739 13 LOC_Os05g46330.1 SWC4 recruitment factor of SWR1 chromatin remodeling complex LOC_Os05g46330 0.9302422508583742 29 LOC_Os11g32470.1 exine patterning factor (NEF1) NEF1, LOC_Os11g32470 0.9299799667792366 13 LOC_Os02g26984.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os02g26984 0.9294635938169388 23 LOC_Os06g44030.1 component TAF5 of SAGA transcription co-activator complex. component TAF5 of TFIId basal transcription regulation complex TAF5, LOC_Os06g44030 0.9291815502641846 66 LOC_Os01g10790.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g10790 0.9290052730867763 16 LOC_Os06g50170.1 component BRCC45 of BRCC DNA-damage response complex LOC_Os06g50170 0.9281783773642188 17 LOC_Os04g46050.1 alpha-1,6 mannosyltransferase (ALG12) EBS4, ALG12, LOC_Os04g46050 0.9277424684912121 18 LOC_Os03g19530.1 DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase 24 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q10mh8|rh24_orysj : 1273.0) LOC_Os03g19530 0.9276207468363561 19 LOC_Os11g07910.1 Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q940g0|tmn1_arath : 840.0) TMN1, AtTMN1, LOC_Os11g07910 0.9270168477153812 20 LOC_Os10g31790.1 Plant intracellular Ras-group-related LRR protein 8 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q7xdq7|pirl8_orysj : 704.0) LOC_Os10g31790 0.9268228362562829 21 LOC_Os06g16280.1 IMB5 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin LOC_Os06g16280 0.9257592923347664 22 LOC_Os05g51560.1 protein kinase (CKL) CKL2, LOC_Os05g51560 0.9254800390417304 23 LOC_Os04g58640.1 component CPFS5/CFIm25 of Cleavage Factor I (CF-Im) complex LOC_Os04g58640 0.9247194803327877 24 LOC_Os08g19850.1 threonine-tRNA ligase LOC_Os08g19850 0.9243480992482799 25 LOC_Os10g20630.1 vacuolar sorting receptor (VSR) VSR2;2, ATVSR3, BP80-2;2, VSR3, LOC_Os10g20630 0.924343507665963 26 LOC_Os03g17310.1 P2A-type calcium cation-transporting ATPase (ECA) ECA4, ATECA4, LOC_Os03g17310 0.9242936413616013 27 LOC_Os04g42370.1 component TRS120/VAN4 of TRAPP-II complex-specific components TRS120, AtTRS120, LOC_Os04g42370 0.9240794905108024 31 LOC_Os06g30020.1 component ZCCHC8 of Nuclear Exosome Targeting (NEXT) activation complex LOC_Os06g30020 0.9232336166233706 59 LOC_Os03g48850.1 valine-tRNA ligase VALRS, TWN2, LOC_Os03g48850 0.9231318807578661 33 LOC_Os01g46580.1 component ArpC2 of Arp2/3 actin polymerization initiation complex DIS2, ARPC2A, LOC_Os01g46580 0.9222043681410692 31 LOC_Os01g32750.1 component TAF6 of SAGA transcription co-activator complex. component TAF6 of TFIId basal transcription regulation complex ATTAF6, TAF6, TAFII59, LOC_Os01g32750 0.9221562761853285 37 LOC_Os09g07510.1 scaffolding component PP2A-phosphatase of TON1-TRM-PP2A (TTP) preprophase band formation complex. scaffold component A of PP2A phosphatase complexes PR 65, PP2AA2, PDF1, LOC_Os09g07510 0.9219826966659211 33 LOC_Os03g38930.1 arabinosyltransferase (XEG113) XEG113, LOC_Os03g38930 0.9217039011901297 34 LOC_Os09g12710.1 component THOC3/Tex1 of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex THO3, TEX1, AtTEX1, LOC_Os09g12710 0.9204414266405082 35 LOC_Os02g44510.1 UDP-glucose glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT) EBS1, UGGT, PSL2, LOC_Os02g44510 0.9201684580221916 36 LOC_Os05g42010.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os05g42010 0.9193129642755044 37 LOC_Os02g45480.1 C3H zinc finger transcription factor ZFWD1, LOC_Os02g45480 0.9189422305334777 38 LOC_Os03g57940.2 protein kinase (MLK). protein kinase (MLK) LOC_Os03g57940 0.9188281679161618 39 LOC_Os03g56970.1 component ARP7 of chromatin remodeling complex ATARP7, ARP7, LOC_Os03g56970 0.9187488082490554 40 LOC_Os06g31100.1 component LRB of CUL3-BTB E3 ubiquitin ligase complex POB1, ATPOB1, LOC_Os06g31100 0.9186831343041465 41 LOC_Os01g40620.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os01g40620 0.9186427178072515 42 LOC_Os02g48380.1 component TRAPPC11 of TRAPP complex LOC_Os02g48380 0.9180375281693105 43 LOC_Os03g50850.1 component SF3A3 of splicing factor 3A complex ATO, LOC_Os03g50850 0.9173510933060797 44 LOC_Os01g59800.1 component VPS36 of ESCRT-II complex LOC_Os01g59800 0.917282798961463 45 LOC_Os04g04020.1 component Sec24 of Sec23/24 cargo adaptor subcomplex ERMO2, SEC24A, LOC_Os04g04020 0.9170856423806475 46 LOC_Os02g13130.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os02g13130 0.9170395763289387 47 LOC_Os01g53250.1 component TAH18 of cytosolic CIA system assembly phase LOC_Os01g53250 0.916828804187884 48 LOC_Os04g43430.2 RNA editing factor (MEF12) LOC_Os04g43430 0.9158628453651694 49 LOC_Os01g43630.1 large subunit beta of AP-4 vacuole cargo adaptor complex LOC_Os01g43630 0.9157112172181328 50 LOC_Os03g53250.1 Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase YODA OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9cad5|yoda_arath : 86.3) & Enzyme classification.EC_2 transferases.EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group(50.2.7 : 56.3) LOC_Os03g53250 0.9153507256695885 51 LOC_Os01g56590.1 Brefeldin A-inhibited guanine nucleotide-exchange protein 5 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4ixw2|big5_arath : 83.2) LOC_Os01g56590 0.914889499893013 52 LOC_Os01g56670.1 alpha-1,2 exomannosidase (MNL) LOC_Os01g56670 0.9145352427115949 53 LOC_Os10g33680.1 regulatory component B2 of PP2A phosphatase complexes LOC_Os10g33680 0.9141681038779012 54 LOC_Os03g51140.1 eIF2-alpha kinase co-activator (ILITHYIA/GCN1) ILA, LOC_Os03g51140 0.913995148991754 63 LOC_Os01g31770.2 Uncharacterized PKHD-type hydroxylase At1g22950 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q3ed68|y1295_arath : 449.0) LOC_Os01g31770 0.9139840066947477 57 LOC_Os03g53760.1 DExH-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase DExH3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4hyj7|dexh3_arath : 1304.0) LOC_Os03g53760 0.9136956921316065 59 LOC_Os09g32300.1 KH domain-containing protein HEN4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4kdn0|hen4_arath : 160.0) LOC_Os09g32300 0.9135099963881713 60 LOC_Os07g28840.1 Protein SET DOMAIN GROUP 40 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6nqj8|sdg40_arath : 384.0) SDG40, LOC_Os07g28840 0.9133940273169164 69 LOC_Os08g40560.1 C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor. component SERRATE of DCL1-HYL1 miRNA biogenesis complex SE, LOC_Os08g40560 0.9125088289066186 63 LOC_Os06g01260.1 Glutathione gamma-glutamylcysteinyltransferase 1 OS=Triticum aestivum (sp|q9sww5|pcs1_wheat : 719.0) ATPCS1, PCS1, CAD1, ARA8, LOC_Os06g01260 0.9124729783272021 64 LOC_Os01g23590.1 regulatory component PP4R3 of PP4 phosphatase complex LOC_Os01g23590 0.9122284922642822 65 LOC_Os02g09890.1 Protein FLX-like 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q84td8|flxl2_arath : 149.0) LOC_Os02g09890 0.9121169098636328 66 LOC_Os03g12590.1 subunit gamma of cargo adaptor F-subcomplex LOC_Os03g12590 0.9118393782903171 67 LOC_Os01g67960.1 component PIG-S of GPI transamidase complex LOC_Os01g67960 0.9118044221210291 68 LOC_Os06g36770.1 regulatory component B of PP2A phosphatase complexes ATB BETA, LOC_Os06g36770 0.9117153564584746 69 LOC_Os08g23320.1 4-hydroxybenzoate:polyprenyl diphosphate transferase (COQ2) AtPPT1, PPT1, LOC_Os08g23320 0.9115254234727947 70 LOC_Os07g33100.1 tRNA wybutosine-synthesizing protein 2/3/4 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q8h4d4|tyw23_orysj : 1989.0) LOC_Os07g33100 0.9115057151561903 71 LOC_Os05g05200.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os05g05200 0.9113546441217112 72 LOC_Os01g48330.1 protein kinase (MAP3K-RAF) LOC_Os01g48330 0.9113503675766353 73 LOC_Os06g05250.2 Translation factor GUF1 homolog, mitochondrial OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q5vq69|guf1_orysj : 1280.0) LOC_Os06g05250 0.9112432625924513 82 LOC_Os09g15750.1 regulatory component RPN1 of 26S proteasome RPN1A, ATRPN1A, LOC_Os09g15750 0.9111949555448989 75 LOC_Os03g03710.1 exoribonuclease (Dis3/RRP44) EMB2763, LOC_Os03g03710 0.9111231780882177 98 LOC_Os06g40560.1 regulatory component RPT4 of 26S proteasome LOC_Os06g40560 0.9110118999582515 77 LOC_Os11g38900.1 class V/Su(var) histone methyltransferase component of histone lysine methylation/demethylation. methylated DNA binding component SUVH1/3 of SUVH-DNAJ methylation reader complex SUVH3, SDG19, LOC_Os11g38900 0.9109298592944994 79 LOC_Os02g51330.1 component MAG2 of DSL1 (Depends-on-SLY1) complex MAG2, LOC_Os02g51330 0.9106646402613735 80 LOC_Os04g13470.1 GARP-specific component VPS54 of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes ATVPS54, VPS54, LOC_Os04g13470 0.9106013520736654 81 LOC_Os07g14830.1 assembly factor CIA1 of cytosolic CIA system transfer phase emb1345, LOC_Os07g14830 0.9101628510498084 82 LOC_Os10g30370.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os10g30370 0.9096420963895158 84 LOC_Os01g69210.1 class-I glucosidase I KNF, GCS1, LOC_Os01g69210 0.9095854287859355 85 LOC_Os03g13614.3 transcription factor (bZIP) bZIP16, AtbZIP16, LOC_Os03g13614 0.9092936818787513 86 LOC_Os07g06710.1 accessory component TPR7 of co-translational insertion system TPR7, LOC_Os07g06710 0.9092449402766452 87 LOC_Os03g52090.1 P2A-type calcium cation-transporting ATPase (ECA) ECA3, ATECA3, LOC_Os03g52090 0.9091288473880154 88 LOC_Os03g36780.1 EF-G translation elongation factor LOC_Os03g36780 0.908629817196892 90 LOC_Os12g07670.1 Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q940g0|tmn1_arath : 813.0) TMN1, AtTMN1, LOC_Os12g07670 0.9085498817939061 91 LOC_Os04g53690.1 component Pex22 of receptor monoubiquitination system PEX22, LOC_Os04g53690 0.9085129723837443 92 LOC_Os06g01650.1 Sar1-GTPase-regulating protein (Sec16) LOC_Os06g01650 0.9083260072530359 93 LOC_Os06g07090.1 large subunit gamma of AP-1 trans-Golgi network cargo adaptor complex GAMMA-ADAPTIN 1, Gamma-ADR, LOC_Os06g07090 0.9080281260758195 94 LOC_Os10g33770.1 TNPO3 nucleocytoplasmic transport karyopherin LOC_Os10g33770 0.9079739136162134 95 LOC_Os08g14770.1 bifunctional diaminopelargonic acid (DAPA) aminotransferase and dethiobiotin synthetase BIO1, LOC_Os08g14770 0.9079738072205362 100 LOC_Os01g36920.2 RNA helicase (Sub2). helicase component UAP56 of TREX/THO mRNP trafficking complex LOC_Os01g36920 0.9075905478716871 97 LOC_Os01g11070.1 alpha-1,2-mannosyltransferase (ALG9) LOC_Os01g11070 0.907495033129244 98 LOC_Os05g27870.1 auxiliary component NAA25 of NatB N-terminal acetylase complex LOC_Os05g27870 0.9074891529886507 99 LOC_Os11g19250.1 no hits & (original description: none) LOC_Os11g19250 0.9074583083627936 100