Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp7g15500.1 F-box/WD-40 repeat-containing protein At3g52030 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sv01|fbw4_arath : 155.0) 0.9167838827146703 6 Mp6g07130.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9151039170567717 22 Mp2g10080.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9149256597432757 17 Mp7g09430.1 Protein HLB1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fhy8|hlb1_arath : 505.0) 0.9148231722082509 14 Mp6g12000.1 DEAD-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase 41 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q0e2z7|rh41_orysj : 478.0) 0.9139059881686772 45 Mp1g13330.1 signal peptidase (SPP) ATSPPL1, SPPL1 0.9116412211147426 22 Mp5g00270.1 metabolite transporter (DTX) 0.9098905305099507 16 Mp1g28060.1 diphthamide biosynthesis protein (DPH1) 0.9097213077214603 8 Mp2g11690.1 N6-methylated-AMP deaminase (MAPDA/ADAL). N6-methylated-AMP deaminase (MAPDA) 0.9096184566022211 9 Mp6g05400.1 component VPS51/UNH of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes 0.9074528692233587 48 Mp1g12730.1 F-box/LRR-repeat protein At5g63520 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fmv0|fbl91_arath : 85.9) 0.9063371500642768 12 Mp2g05520.1 large subunit zeta of AP-5 cargo adaptor complex 0.9059624244278762 53 Mp3g11480.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9040452218206682 68 Mp3g23090.1 arogenate dehydratase (ADT) ADT6 0.9029463920311671 44 Mp7g04130.1 no hits & (original description: none) MEE50 0.90204040600588 78 Mp1g14280.1 golgin (GRIP) GRIP, ATGRIP 0.9019418732187207 49 Mp6g01950.1 Protein ANTAGONIST OF LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94k49|alp1_arath : 321.0) 0.9015429103274832 44 Mp7g12500.1 RAB5 guanine nucleotide exchange factor (VPS9) VPS9, ATVPS9A, VPS9A 0.8993213685291771 31 Mp5g10270.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8977679188736211 35 Mp4g21650.1 component ArpC1 of Arp2/3 actin polymerization initiation complex ARPC1A, ARPC1 0.896689981156558 36 Mp6g12850.1 component CCZ1 of MON1-CCZ1 RAB7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor complex 0.8958376055380267 71 Mp3g01580.1 component VPS22 of ESCRT-II complex VPS22 0.8924512434124022 24 Mp1g19230.1 SAC-group-I inositol-polyphosphate 3,5-phosphatase ATSAC1 0.89173883135579 90 Mp5g20450.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8912285522686357 27 Mp8g00950.1 component BRCC45 of BRCC DNA-damage response complex 0.8907205008610296 78 Mp7g09690.1 component ELP5 of ELONGATOR transcription elongation complex 0.8906916641420513 40 Mp3g21320.1 HOPS-specific component VPS39 of HOPS/CORVET membrane tethering complexes EMB2754 0.8904296169458084 80 Mp6g10570.1 transcription factor (bZIP). transcription factor (bZIP62) 0.8887128220468248 32 Mp2g07460.1 F-box protein At3g58530 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8lb33|fb330_arath : 88.6) 0.8887051991292259 40 Mp1g19170.1 EARP-specific component Syndetin-like of GARP/EARP (Golgi-/Endosome-Associated-Retrograde-Protein) complexes 0.8885502124169502 36 Mp1g27100.1 cPTH plastidial RNA splicing factor 0.8873081747795414 38 Mp1g20670.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8861323420363679 49 Mp1g01870.1 serine O-acetyltransferase (SAT) SERAT3;2, ATSERAT3;2 0.8852784630936871 44 Mp1g14640.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8849153055879866 48 Mp2g02570.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8835622324183697 47 Mp7g12980.1 serine carboxypeptidase SCPL51 0.8835561993527666 48 Mp2g18990.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8835163353413396 49 Mp7g13550.1 inositol phosphorylceramide glucuronosyltransferase (IPUT1) PGSIP6 0.8829550870346563 63 Mp6g09640.1 acyl-CoA thioesterase 0.8826232025130076 55 Mp2g16570.1 component TRAPPC13 of TRAPP complex 0.8819167228868556 94 Mp1g28610.1 tRNA methylthiotransferase 0.8814551096490088 90 Mp4g03940.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8808891298260257 60 Mp1g12370.1 Protein POLLEN DEFECTIVE IN GUIDANCE 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4hvj3|pod1_arath : 439.0) 0.8807317349947397 97 Mp7g12640.1 protease (Deg) DegP7 0.8789345495777143 65 Mp2g14360.1 no hits & (original description: none) EMB260, EMB2421 0.8783879026238063 90 Mp1g18100.1 omega-amidase 0.8753409041123835 77 Mp5g23720.1 subunit beta of type-I protein prenyltransferase complex PGGT-I, ATGGT-IB, GGB 0.8750161234456011 97 Mp7g00590.1 CKI1 cytokinin signalling pathway activator AHK1, HK1, ATHK1 0.8744669312449934 81 Mp1g20470.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8744257283382664 82 Mp6g01150.1 no description available(sp|q10az7|gpa3_orysj : 569.0) 0.8742945019365912 84 Mp1g16870.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8735451636566849 87 Mp4g19820.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8733941718054843 88 Mp1g08860.1 ETR/ERS-type ethylene receptor protein ETR, ETR1, EIN1, AtETR1 0.872148863119197 94 Mp1g02730.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8718598086048993 96 Mp8g03590.1 regulatory component LST8 of TORC complex 0.8712581951630121 99 Mp8g07990.1 site-1 protease. protease (SBT6.1) ATSBT6.1, S1P, ATS1P 0.8712278212673457 100