Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp6g07750.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9321387566921153 1 Mp3g18290.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9282523131408915 2 Mp1g15250.1 solute transporter (MTCC) 0.9083278176100799 3 Mp2g16140.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8949571616713522 6 Mp8g06560.1 Protein ALP1-like OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m2u3|alpl_arath : 123.0) 0.8937772470841111 20 Mp7g14650.1 subunit beta of methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase complex MCCB 0.891693785914442 30 Mp8g12270.1 Probable polyamine oxidase 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8h191|pao4_arath : 82.8) PAO3, ATPAO3 0.8863797411889285 51 Mp8g14220.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8811718601466414 65 Mp3g13860.1 Short-chain dehydrogenase TIC 32, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|a2rvm0|tic32_arath : 110.0) 0.8810003455298963 61 Mp7g15240.1 M24-class methionyl aminopeptidase (MAP2) MAP2B 0.8766914325433011 10 Mp1g14970.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.876621220606642 13 Mp4g07290.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8762281110952205 21 Mp3g07520.1 S6K-dependent protein translation regulator (MRF) 0.8754160317602152 13 Mp8g10430.1 subunit beta of E1 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase subcomplex DIN4 0.8750314510266641 44 Mp8g03330.1 electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO) ETFQO 0.8741068454059168 58 Mp3g00570.1 thymidine kinase (TK1) 0.8732931195122138 16 Mp7g09980.1 ornithine aminotransferase DELTA-OAT 0.8726441716504638 31 Mp8g15810.1 isovaleryl-CoA-dehydrogenase ATIVD, IVD, IVDH 0.8694042880190019 73 Mp4g04530.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8684430018063325 19 Mp4g10510.1 Patatin-type lipase SDP1 0.8678346886516719 20 Mp5g17550.1 Nudix hydrolase 20, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8vxz0|nud20_arath : 342.0) NUDT20, atnudt20 0.8676125195557396 31 Mp2g19570.1 subunit alpha of ETF electron transfer flavoprotein complex ETFALPHA 0.8657888163254273 27 Mp1g25860.1 F-box/kelch-repeat protein SKIP6 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sj04|skip6_arath : 174.0) SKIP6 0.8649053051243584 98 Mp5g07440.1 lipoamide acyltransferase component E2 of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex LTA1, BCE2, DIN3 0.8631880085319099 33 Mp2g17860.1 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.1 oxidoreductase acting on CH-OH group of donor(50.1.1 : 211.8) & Probable 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9suc0|3hidh_arath : 117.0) 0.8629193456893229 78 Mp7g10770.2 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8616182818238762 34 Mp7g16150.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8593489673384542 27 Mp8g16400.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8589920959469369 33 Mp8g16280.1 Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.3 oxidoreductase acting on CH-CH group of donor(50.1.3 : 246.7) & Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q75im9|ivd_orysj : 211.0) 0.8586708530247249 37 Mp2g15400.1 arginase 0.856180591773486 42 Mp7g01110.1 D-galactokinase GALK, GAL1 0.8539820988031569 57 Mp1g17120.1 component VIP3 of PAF1C transcription initiation and elongation complex. component SKI8 of SUPERKILLER (SKI) regulation complex VIP3 0.8533241002338393 32 Mp1g11050.1 Alcohol dehydrogenase 2 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q0itw7|adh2_orysj : 149.0) 0.8520502011226798 34 Mp5g12480.1 Ethylene-responsive transcription factor ERF073 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8h0t5|erf73_arath : 101.0) HRE2 0.8513665437254473 76 Mp3g01620.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8480418099602723 72 Mp5g07620.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.846381004185045 81 Mp6g08360.1 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit TIM22-3 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6nku9|ti223_arath : 157.0) 0.8454973634218508 38 Mp6g07220.1 Probable acyl-activating enzyme 18, peroxisomal OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q84p17|aee18_arath : 808.0) AAE18 0.8453059633931835 64 Mp4g04540.1 Plant intracellular Ras-group-related LRR protein 4 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q6z8p4|pirl4_orysj : 218.0) 0.8451494101462712 79 Mp1g18830.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8434003081243281 43 Mp6g09200.1 atypical dual-specificity phosphatase (PFA-DSP) 0.8431872793073307 47 Mp2g11650.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8430972991760769 45 Mp5g07010.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8425348960060467 90 Mp8g07370.1 medium subunit mu of AP-4 vacuole cargo adaptor complex 0.8412023038394109 60 Mp3g23940.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8406813380130373 72 Mp7g10520.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8394006139175119 84 Mp4g00120.1 Bifunctional aspartate aminotransferase and glutamate/aspartate-prephenate aminotransferase OS=Petunia hybrida (sp|e9l7a5|pat_pethy : 143.0) 0.8388995568466426 52 Mp4g09770.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8363002394305834 55 Mp2g12730.2 Probable carboxylesterase 18 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lt10|cxe18_arath : 256.0) AtCXE18, CXE18 0.8351422150048081 54 Mp4g12660.1 Protein-ribulosamine 3-kinase, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lew8|fn3kr_arath : 396.0) 0.8336211689480993 55 Mp1g13360.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8334876632609142 56 Mp8g16290.1 malate synthase MLS 0.8332550892753843 57 Mp1g16420.1 dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase PYD1 0.8331927394993066 59 Mp7g18360.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8324469131930669 59 Mp1g17610.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8306495010980476 82 Mp1g05740.1 subunit SSL1 of multifunctional TFIIh complex. component SSL1 of TFIIh basal transcription factor complex GTF2H2, ATGTF2H2 0.8303961847770249 61 Mp5g22880.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8294665046792837 63 Mp3g18280.1 methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase ALDH6B2 0.8289738202693903 63 Mp3g13180.1 regulatory cofactor (RIPR) of exosome complex 0.8260927433372299 92 Mp3g23080.1 Clavaminate synthase-like protein At3g21360 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lig0|y3136_arath : 417.0) 0.8245907803485389 67 Mp1g08100.1 Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase alkB OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sa98|alkbh_arath : 228.0) 0.8235545293294717 81 Mp3g05830.1 non-haem ferritin FER4, ATFER4 0.8220002732076885 87 Mp7g02840.1 Uncharacterized protein At1g26090, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6dye4|y1609_arath : 297.0) 0.8218544882986017 71 Mp8g15290.1 subunit alpha of methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase complex MCCA 0.8216988149875204 84 Mp4g23200.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8214327575480557 98 Mp5g05550.1 phosphodiesterase (PIG-O) 0.8161749910538756 74 Mp4g02880.1 Ultraviolet-B receptor UVR8 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fn03|uvr8_arath : 142.0) 0.8161289013449959 75 Mp3g14410.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8159276123010323 93 Mp2g16500.1 PHY-A translocation regulator (FHY1/FHL) 0.8152328093748098 77 Mp2g17590.1 cryptochrome photoreceptor (CRY) HY4, ATCRY1, BLU1, OOP2, CRY1 0.8149932209822099 80 Mp2g15660.1 beta-galactosidase (BGAL) BGAL9 0.8145213877916646 94 Mp5g22130.1 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 12 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9srr1|fbl12_arath : 256.0) 0.8125130765927074 81 Mp5g13330.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8112657197730644 82 Mp1g21030.1 thymidylate kinase ATTMPK.2, ZEU1, ATTMPK.1 0.810564029068668 90 Mp8g08520.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8094801564501677 88 Mp1g02590.1 ABC transporter I family member 10 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8h1r4|ab10i_arath : 264.0) EMB2751, ATNAP13 0.8072929911139457 91 Mp5g22140.1 Uncharacterized protein At4g08330, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9stn5|y4833_arath : 86.7) 0.8064803073200554 93 Mp1g17620.1 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8060656029036445 94 Mp1g04840.1 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT9) GPAT9 0.8052645996111324 96 Mp1g16010.1 UDP-D-xylose 4-epimerase 0.8052352919553384 97