Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Gb_39555 protein kinase (MAP3K-RAF) 0.9298606734622963 1 Gb_38895 scaffolding component Sec31 of coat protein complex 0.9258259953716365 19 Gb_33029 Clathrin heavy chain 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q0wlb5|clah2_arath : 498.0) 0.9247462452929632 3 Gb_33028 heavy chain of clathrin triskelion 0.9246061942781953 16 Gb_27119 component TPLATE of TPLATE AP-2 co-adaptor complex TPLATE 0.9164386419881356 8 Gb_03760 subunit beta of cargo adaptor F-subcomplex 0.9162985418023034 8 Gb_36536 component SEC8 of Exocyst complex ATSEC8, SEC8 0.9111916568572225 7 Gb_28329 protein kinase (SCY1) 0.9090965405335797 9 Gb_04048 BIG-type ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor 0.9054160669198184 38 Gb_12935 deubiquitinase recruiting protein (BRO1) 0.902440423405425 13 Gb_14861 BEACH domain-containing protein C2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4ig73|bchc2_arath : 2818.0) 0.9013162345144202 11 Gb_01979 GBF-type ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor GN, EMB30, VAN7 0.8996605465900003 17 Gb_19012 component TRS85 of TRAPP-III complex-specific components 0.8980356724225846 39 Gb_36611 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8962197655094718 16 Gb_06922 Myosin-1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lhe9|myo1_arath : 187.0) ATMYOS1, ATM4, ATM2 0.893934311303516 15 Gb_38178 component TWD40 of TPLATE AP-2 co-adaptor complex 0.8938150854055986 31 Gb_32130 transcriptional repressor (TPL). transcriptional co-repressor (TPL/TPR) TPL, WSIP1 0.8929975741835741 17 Gb_31570 DRP2-type clathrin coated vesicle dynamin DRP2A, ADL6 0.8926477640931888 34 Gb_26378 GBF-type ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor GN, EMB30, VAN7 0.8921902490153681 19 Gb_15653 CSI-type cellulose synthase CSC-interactive protein 0.8909616404943717 20 Gb_05240 component eIF4G of eIF4F mRNA unwinding complex CUM2, EIF4G 0.8871804695891454 31 Gb_11857 large subunit beta of AP-1 trans-Golgi network cargo adaptor complex. large subunit beta of AP-2 cargo adaptor complex 0.8867547514755849 78 Gb_06921 no hits & (original description: none) ATMYOS1, ATM4, ATM2 0.8861615347011579 23 Gb_05065 component EXO84 of Exocyst complex EXO84B 0.8860709729862327 24 Gb_07642 BIG-type ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor ATMIN7, BEN1 0.8852443742592112 45 Gb_05690 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8846463120483765 26 Gb_15817 subunit alpha of coat protein complex 0.8844472524549291 53 Gb_27613 component SCAR of SCAR/WAVE ARP2/3-activating complex WAVE4, ITB1, SCAR2, ATSCAR2, DIS3 0.8823979259867301 47 Gb_01752 callose synthase ATGSL10, gsl10, CALS9 0.881438068406522 42 Gb_03042 HOX-like transcription factor 0.880661822834947 53 Gb_22029 callose synthase ATGSL08, ATGSL8, GSL08, GSL8, CHOR 0.8806232639005296 82 Gb_19472 large subunit beta of AP-3 Golgi to vacuole cargo adaptor complex PAT2 0.8793850894287323 90 Gb_11406 IMB2 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin ATTRN1, TRN1 0.8788588099033096 34 Gb_05711 component COG7 of COG (Conserved-Oligomeric Golgi) complex EYE 0.8787894704497904 54 Gb_04674 Sar1-GTPase-regulating protein (Sec16) 0.8771876882191723 36 Gb_29544 large subunit alpha of AP-2 cargo adaptor complex alpha-ADR 0.8767116905323986 37 Gb_21913 monomeric E3 ubiquitin ligase (HECT) UPL3, KAK 0.8760229803856359 98 Gb_30312 no description available(sp|q9m2r0|ftip3_arath : 1280.0) 0.8755777421746267 39 Gb_24427 protein kinase (VPS15). regulatory component VPS15 of PI3-kinase vesicle nucleation complex I/II 0.8751366620161568 61 Gb_38411 CSI-type cellulose synthase CSC-interactive protein CSI1 0.8739898461563022 41 Gb_06924 class VIII myosin microfilament-based motor protein ATVIIIA, VIIIA 0.8728723794070026 43 Gb_02741 large subunit gamma of AP-1 trans-Golgi network cargo adaptor complex 0.872649775107935 69 Gb_26513 BIG-type ARF-GTPase guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor 0.8705185125764708 46 Gb_39352 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8677585443342171 49 Gb_20157 component SF3B1 of splicing factor 3B complex 0.8673455810025239 87 Gb_09624 subunit alpha of coat protein complex 0.8671649920371403 58 Gb_07121 monomeric E3 ubiquitin ligase (HECT) UPL3, KAK 0.8657736664598982 52 Gb_25386 Spliceosome-associated protein 130 A OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|p0dkl4|s130a_arath : 127.0) 0.8653236791731572 53 Gb_39134 Efl1 LSU processome elongation-factor-like regulatory GTPase 0.8648334948329762 54 Gb_20277 monomeric E3 ubiquitin ligase (HECT) UPL3, KAK 0.864463978047737 87 Gb_17287 protein kinase (MAST) 0.8623957171409565 59 Gb_05558 component Sec23 of Sec23/24 cargo adaptor subcomplex 0.862199969275795 78 Gb_21624 no hits & (original description: none) ZML2, GATA28, TIFY2A 0.8617728121591417 60 Gb_26182 class-II alpha-mannosidase II ATGMII, GMII 0.8609926361960797 61 Gb_27499 Formin-like protein 14 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9c6s1|fh14_arath : 610.0) AFH14 0.8580333496905433 62 Gb_16727 component NAP1 of SCAR/WAVE ARP2/3-activating complex NAPP, GRL, NAP1 0.857844180948847 90 Gb_13915 active component ALA of ALA-ALIS flippase complex. P4-type ATPase component ALA of phospholipid flippase complex ALA1 0.8548347487088757 67 Gb_36891 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8534843124048084 87 Gb_37962 callose synthase GSL5, PMR4, ATGSL05, ATGSL5, GSL05 0.8527125369650195 71 Gb_01387 anion channel / anion:proton antiporter (CLC) ATCLC-F, CLCF, CLC-F 0.8525056033251505 73 Gb_32969 CLIP-associated protein OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8rwy6|clasp_arath : 197.0) ATCLASP, CLASP 0.8522075880339176 79 Gb_19471 Probable apyrase 7 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jsh1|apy7_arath : 540.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_3 hydrolases.EC_3.6 hydrolase acting on acid anhydride(50.3.6 : 105.7) 0.8515427176648922 76 Gb_01281 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8503501605574896 97 Gb_31652 subfamily ABCB transporter PGP6 0.8501070689298683 79 Gb_18601 no hits & (original description: none) 0.848756250575497 81 Gb_02471 component COG1 of COG (Conserved-Oligomeric Golgi) complex 0.8482153149425153 82 Gb_35028 IMB1 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin 0.846304829824725 86 Gb_38045 Protein GFS12 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4jy12|gfs12_arath : 535.0) 0.8455125261390217 87 Gb_29128 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8444446125610912 91 Gb_18364 no hits & (original description: none) SRA1, KLK, PIR, ATSRA1, PIRP, PIR121 0.8437733525346222 92 Gb_40664 solute transporter (NAT) NAT7, ATNAT7 0.8437728653597186 93 Gb_30039 Pumilio homolog 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9zw07|pum1_arath : 437.0) PUM1, APUM1 0.8428701804161687 95 Gb_35127 Protein OBERON 4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q84ti3|obe4_arath : 503.0) 0.8422325875669745 97 Gb_11517 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8420912325215069 98