Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Gb_30926 GBF-interacting protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8vzs6|gip1_arath : 86.7) 0.970112466679345 5 Gb_18080 NUP1/NUP136 nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex 0.9679217591264617 2 Gb_28988 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9646303130510099 3 Gb_25873 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9636603119822358 4 Gb_27365 deadenylase component CCR4 of CCR4-NOT complex 0.9615530807130565 5 Gb_41520 component MED23 of tail module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex 0.9609752363492514 6 Gb_17348 no hits & (original description: none) PAB6 0.9605149411442327 7 Gb_33812 component THOC2/Tho2 of mRNP trafficking THO subcomplex THO2, AtTHO2 0.9570775357989653 8 Gb_33197 subunit 1 of Pol II RNA polymerase RNA_POL_II_LSRNA_POL_II_LS, NRPB1, RPB1, RNA_POL_II_LS 0.9557668539016404 9 Gb_16752 Protein MODIFIER OF SNC1 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9sb63|mos1_arath : 109.0) MOS1 0.9527085784687499 11 Gb_12594 no hits & (original description: none) ATILP1, ILP1 0.9522156609356388 11 Gb_23673 cohesin cofactor (PDS5) 0.9499231202566509 12 Gb_04943 component TAF12 of SAGA transcription co-activator complex. component TAF12 of TFIId basal transcription regulation complex EER4, TAF12B 0.9481197397617479 13 Gb_31122 Protein BTR1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9lz82|btr1_arath : 81.3) 0.947817224437817 14 Gb_26268 component Pcf11 of Cleavage Factor II (CF-IIm) complex PCFS4 0.94727835162813 15 Gb_10365 TRAF1 endomembrane trafficking ATG6-stability regulator protein 0.9468368682322859 35 Gb_00863 no description available(sp|b8bcz8|fca_orysi : 290.0) FCA 0.9467802464308441 17 Gb_34616 component CPSF30/Yth1 of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex CPSF30, ATCPSF30 0.9465935718713725 18 Gb_07613 component MSH6 of MSH2-x mismatch repair heterodimers MSH6-1, ATMSH6, MSH6 0.9463118076513065 19 Gb_29092 Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 27 OS=Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (sp|q0jdm0|c3h27_orysj : 490.0) 0.944759253068533 20 Gb_10495 SSU processome assembly factor (RRP5) 0.9434054294537394 27 Gb_26302 C3H zinc finger transcription factor 0.9429838792425311 22 Gb_23411 C3H zinc finger transcription factor 0.9387689701239859 23 Gb_13366 component ESP1 of Cleavage Stimulatory Factor (CstF) complex ESP1 0.937066800201924 24 Gb_33120 no hits & (original description: none) 0.936862419160623 25 Gb_37326 DNA single-strand break response kinase (ATR). protein kinase (PIKK) ATR, ATRAD3, ATATR 0.9363001483619898 26 Gb_04338 B2 protein OS=Daucus carota (sp|p37707|b2_dauca : 90.9) 0.934895454313662 27 Gb_05984 isoleucine-tRNA ligase 0.9336709809412491 69 Gb_32888 component SF3A1 of splicing factor 3A complex 0.9328252119415864 41 Gb_22830 UPF1 Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay effector protein UPF1, ATUPF1, LBA1 0.9327684760021849 30 Gb_19122 C3H zinc finger transcription factor 0.9324782562453228 31 Gb_36184 transcription factor (WRKY) WRKY3 0.9319885927555006 32 Gb_10347 no hits & (original description: none) LUG, RON2 0.9318662090915889 33 Gb_04152 La-related protein 1C OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q94k80|lrp1c_arath : 149.0) 0.9300365727907836 34 Gb_03741 component SF3A1 of splicing factor 3A complex 0.9296540840027346 35 Gb_14684 component GCP4 of gamma-Tubulin ring complex (gamma-TuRC) ATGCP4, GCP4 0.9294522708610927 36 Gb_15617 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9280366738014454 37 Gb_36258 SCD1 component of post-Golgi trafficking SCD complex SCD1 0.9263656619659972 63 Gb_26073 histone demethylase (KDM5). transcription factor (JUMONJI) 0.9252343319463953 63 Gb_27375 class III/Trithorax histone methyltransferase component of histone lysine methylation/demethylation ATX1, SDG27 0.9247522041886697 80 Gb_19093 component SYF1/MAC9 of non-snRNP MOS4-associated complex 0.9239779940254662 45 Gb_02094 component TRM732 of TRM7-TRM732/TRM734 tRNA cytidine/guanosine-methyltransferase complex 0.922673193499905 42 Gb_31525 NUFIP snoRNP rRNA methylation complex assembly factor 0.9225972930866062 43 Gb_40059 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9216240091092297 45 Gb_23470 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9213009310196935 46 Gb_36190 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9207766426906595 47 Gb_00971 F-box/LRR-repeat protein 15 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9smy8|fbl15_arath : 698.0) SLOMO 0.9199083907058604 84 Gb_22218 monomeric E3 ubiquitin ligase (HECT) UPL7 0.9193210221930457 73 Gb_40875 component Pfs2/FY of Cleavage and Polyadenylation Specificity Factor (CPSF) complex FY 0.9187546127236536 50 Gb_31636 NUP205 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex 0.9186378584138517 51 Gb_36757 NUA nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex NUA, AtTPR 0.9182870848022143 52 Gb_36286 NUP160 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex SAR1, ATNUP160, NUP160 0.9181550030577387 53 Gb_14991 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9177377029849101 54 Gb_23780 component DSP2 of DSP snRNA processing complex emb2739 0.9170061320711526 55 Gb_35329 Cold shock protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o65639|csp1_arath : 111.0) 0.9169030496789112 56 Gb_40390 no hits & (original description: none) EDA7 0.9168795514996482 57 Gb_38404 IMB3 nucleocytoplasmic import karyopherin emb2734 0.9166763771825545 71 Gb_23988 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4K-alpha) ATPI4K ALPHA 0.9161589505974076 75 Gb_07378 ELYS scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex HOS1 0.9161410379712834 60 Gb_16843 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9157486754916779 61 Gb_30710 exine patterning factor (DEX1) DEX1 0.915667862873547 62 Gb_13889 subunit 3 of RNA polymerase NRPB3, RPB35.5A, RBP36A, NRPD3, NRPE3A 0.9153101278721197 69 Gb_30615 NUP133 scaffold nucleoporin of nuclear pore complex 0.915231056452146 64 Gb_06124 KH domain-containing protein At5g56140 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fkt4|qkil2_arath : 368.0) 0.9146164206373532 65 Gb_10712 C3H zinc finger transcription factor. regulatory component ZC11A of TREX/THO mRNP trafficking complex 0.9141526014980318 66 Gb_05612 transcription factor (MYB). transcription factor (MYB-related). component CDC5/MAC1 of non-snRNP MOS4-associated complex ATCDC5, ATMYBCDC5, CDC5 0.9140073779620778 67 Gb_04775 circadian clock regulator (TIC) 0.9133155976917532 69 Gb_08409 component ILP1 of Intron-Lariat Spliceosome complex ILP1 0.9127419693611923 70 Gb_17193 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9125931336182346 71 Gb_06756 U-box domain-containing protein 62 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6dbn5|pub62_arath : 221.0) 0.9123738287201612 85 Gb_26869 component Sec24 of Sec23/24 cargo adaptor subcomplex ERMO2, SEC24A 0.9117388275069124 93 Gb_27153 chromatin remodeling factor (Snf2) ATCHR12 0.91152850894644 77 Gb_14044 component BAF255/170 of chromatin remodeling complex CHB4, SWI3C, ATSWI3C 0.9111491176955299 76 Gb_20389 susceptibility factor (EXA1) 0.9086227502390497 79 Gb_27299 component CAF1c/MSI of CAF1 histone chaperone complex. component MSI1 of VRN/FIS/EMF core complexes MSI1, MEE70, ATMSI1 0.9077223389077207 80 Gb_04230 RNA helicase (Sub2). helicase component UAP56 of TREX/THO mRNP trafficking complex 0.9076818311163606 81 Gb_04218 Transcriptional corepressor SEUSS OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8w234|seuss_arath : 284.0) SEU 0.9070358214172128 82 Gb_26035 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9065898892257113 83 Gb_05411 DExH-box ATP-dependent RNA helicase DExH7, chloroplastic OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|f4i9q5|dexh7_arath : 1367.0) 0.9063962350070024 95 Gb_27895 RNA helicase (Brr2) emb1507 0.9062429332939239 86 Gb_17412 component VIP6/CTR9 of PAF1C transcription initiation and elongation complex ELF8, VIP6 0.9059660462428645 87 Gb_22994 brassinosteroid signalling protein phosphatase (BSU). phosphatase (PPKL) BSL3 0.9058023794346282 88 Gb_30711 RNA helicase component SKI2 of SUPERKILLER (SKI) regulation complex 0.9052930544539872 89 Gb_05084 no hits & (original description: none) 0.905291433112764 90 Gb_34638 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9046976939712111 91 Gb_36679 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9040350092448659 92 Gb_41723 DNA polymerase kappa OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q6jdv7|polk_arath : 80.1) 0.9034714341612559 93 Gb_33053 mRNA poly-A-tail binding factor (PABP) PAB8, PABP8 0.9030075153979714 95 Gb_21544 no hits & (original description: none) 0.9023393307783848 97 Gb_25448 catalytic component CDKE of cyclin-dependent kinase complex. component CDK8 of kinase module of MEDIATOR transcription co-activator complex. protein kinase (CDKE/CDK8) CDKE;1, ATCDK8, HEN3 0.902264277639647 98