Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Gb_07087 transcription factor (bZIP) ATBZIP34, BZIP34 0.8931519322105371 3 Gb_27485 Protein trichome birefringence-like 2 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q8vyr3|tbl2_arath : 519.0) TBL2 0.8771328138613917 21 Gb_27198 transcription factor (SBP) SPL2 0.8707098989393978 3 Gb_31939 Fruit protein pKIWI502 OS=Actinidia deliciosa (sp|p43394|k502_actde : 81.6) 0.8656913402451444 23 Gb_07837 UDP-L-rhamnose synthase RHM1, ROL1, ATRHM1 0.8645683761837637 23 Gb_07615 lectin chaperone (CRT) AtCRT1a, CRT1a, CRT1 0.8629526825004897 53 Gb_31545 transcription factor (bHLH) 0.8572708323802927 11 Gb_16520 F-box/kelch-repeat protein At5g42350 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fii2|fk117_arath : 139.0) 0.8496168430826821 13 Gb_21665 UDP-L-arabinose mutase ATRGP1, RGP1 0.8459737863552148 36 Gb_23219 caffeoyl-CoA 3-O-methyltransferase (CCoA-OMT) CCoAOMT1 0.8446663841719187 15 Gb_07749 GDSL esterase/lipase LIP-4 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9fxb6|lip4_arath : 353.0) 0.8430239349254641 33 Gb_12132 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8417602717982657 17 Gb_23710 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8413454403361003 40 Gb_39270 Probable RNA-binding protein ARP1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m1s3|arp1_arath : 134.0) 0.8380172052771004 63 Gb_27317 fasciclin-type arabinogalactan protein. regulatory factor SOS5 of SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) signalling pathway SOS5 0.8332236114509981 99 Gb_27225 pectin methylesterase 0.8290454988055717 36 Gb_38014 no hits & (original description: none) 0.824052218801734 57 Gb_39269 Probable RNA-binding protein ARP1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9m1s3|arp1_arath : 134.0) 0.811397857303348 73 Gb_20104 Cold shock protein 1 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|o65639|csp1_arath : 90.5) 0.8095566452279467 48 Gb_38013 transcription factor (SBP) SPL2 0.807363656444375 64 Gb_38422 no hits & (original description: none) 0.805237835510398 46 Gb_04593 no hits & (original description: none) 0.8030353258689813 82 Gb_36070 Probable protein S-acyltransferase 23 OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q3ec11|zdhc2_arath : 80.1) 0.7982420819455576 56 Gb_24246 Cytokinin hydroxylase OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q9ff18|c7351_arath : 334.0) & Enzyme classification.EC_1 oxidoreductases.EC_1.14 oxidoreductase acting on paired donor with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen(50.1.13 : 120.9) CYP715A1 0.7962958448124938 59 Gb_15286 no hits & (original description: none) 0.7955697481018105 60 Gb_26585 tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) GAMMA-TIP, GAMMA-TIP1, TIP1;1 0.7931321580709575 75 Gb_19042 LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase ERECTA OS=Arabidopsis thaliana (sp|q42371|erect_arath : 129.0) 0.7865277721296088 75 Gb_38310 anion transporter (NRT1/PTR) 0.785940418266144 77 Gb_39081 transcription factor (MYB) ATMYB5, MYB5 0.7783434379664863 93