Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr AT5G26930 GATA transcription factor 23 GATA23 0.96905322605748 1 AT1G09665 Toll-Interleukin-Resistance (TIR) domain family protein 0.8722826559969513 4 AT1G30100 nine-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 5 ATNCED5, NCED5 0.8715029992256401 4 AT2G42440 Lateral organ boundaries (LOB) domain family protein 0.8607968074527758 4 AT1G58330 transcription factor-related ZW2 0.8606037026507575 5 AT5G18560 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein PUCHI 0.8430825068748627 6 AT1G59740 Major facilitator superfamily protein 0.7701395303657115 7 AT4G28170 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT1G11120.2); Has 30201 Blast hits to 17322 proteins in 780 species: Archae - 12; Bacteria - 1396; Metazoa - 17338; Fungi - 3422; Plants - 5037; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 2996 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.7540881476510529 8 AT1G58007 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT1G09812.1); Has 91 Blast hits to 91 proteins in 13 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 91; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.7439345940318319 9 AT4G32280 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 29 IAA29 0.7436108591817494 10 AT1G74140 Rhomboid-related intramembrane serine protease family protein 0.7404386435599281 11 AT4G37295 unknown protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknown; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; EXPRESSED IN: stem, root, leaf; EXPRESSED DURING: LP.06 six leaves visible, LP.04 four leaves visible; Has 30201 Blast hits to 17322 proteins in 780 species: Archae - 12; Bacteria - 1396; Metazoa - 17338; Fungi - 3422; Plants - 5037; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 2996 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.7401217255324979 12 AT2G19970 CAP (Cysteine-rich secretory proteins, Antigen 5, and Pathogenesis-related 1 protein) superfamily protein 0.7326908814244983 13 AT2G47860 Phototropic-responsive NPH3 family protein 0.7238633485204446 14 AT5G10040 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT5G65207.1); Has 1807 Blast hits to 1807 proteins in 277 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 736; Fungi - 347; Plants - 385; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 339 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.7150786413982572 15 AT4G13195 CLAVATA3/ESR-RELATED 44 CLE44 0.7083114470862101 16 AT2G26400 acireductone dioxygenase 3 ARD3, ARD, ATARD3 0.6901828062649438 17 AT4G08780 Peroxidase superfamily protein 0.6854541792714792 18 AT4G28640 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 11 IAA11 0.6804941507919555 19 AT5G51920 Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-dependent transferases superfamily protein 0.6747385172231486 20 AT1G21990 F-box/RNI-like/FBD-like domains-containing protein 0.6673525150486885 21 AT1G21320 nucleotide binding;nucleic acid binding 0.6592057513276712 22 AT2G18010 SAUR-like auxin-responsive protein family 0.6560730686073215 23 AT5G50130 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold superfamily protein 0.6557283152313185 24 AT1G31320 LOB domain-containing protein 4 LBD4 0.6537764709741025 25 AT2G47245 0.6533475999353779 26 AT2G22426 unknown protein; Has 30201 Blast hits to 17322 proteins in 780 species: Archae - 12; Bacteria - 1396; Metazoa - 17338; Fungi - 3422; Plants - 5037; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 2996 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.6510496015598516 27 AT2G23170 Auxin-responsive GH3 family protein GH3.3 0.6510087247526911 28 AT3G15540 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 19 MSG2, IAA19 0.6446591814709308 29 AT1G30760 FAD-binding Berberine family protein 0.6381379739388084 30 AT4G23340 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein 0.6377181486482654 31 AT4G13210 Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein 0.6343431034463628 32 AT5G01130 Protein of unknown function (DUF674) 0.6321956524490735 33 AT3G13130 unknown protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknown; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; EXPRESSED IN: male gametophyte; Has 140 Blast hits to 132 proteins in 41 species: Archae - 2; Bacteria - 4; Metazoa - 29; Fungi - 20; Plants - 51; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 34 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.6303760788809314 34 AT5G14400 cytochrome P450, family 724, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 CYP724A1 0.6276466486468777 35 AT1G62421 unknown protein; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; Has 2 Blast hits to 2 proteins in 1 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 2; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.6233747018037195 36 AT5G24320 Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein 0.6004844546254785 37 AT5G58580 TOXICOS EN LEVADURA 63 ATL63, TL63 0.5910469519537027 38 AT2G19590 ACC oxidase 1 ATACO1, ACO1 0.5695165131402492 39 AT1G76610 Protein of unknown function, DUF617 0.5633900506307894 40 AT1G19630 cytochrome P450, family 722, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 CYP722A1 0.5632488639533696 41 AT5G12330 Lateral root primordium (LRP) protein-related LRP1 0.5624944746585628 49 AT2G19990 pathogenesis-related protein-1-like PR-1-LIKE 0.5515849350873139 43 AT1G15580 indole-3-acetic acid inducible 5 ATAUX2-27, AUX2-27, IAA5 0.5476649767122391 44 AT1G15630 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT1G15610.1); Has 122 Blast hits to 122 proteins in 14 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 122; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.5386346441962143 45 AT5G06080 LOB domain-containing protein 33 LBD33 0.5285292358110095 46 AT4G28790 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein 0.5168324291670171 47 AT4G27260 Auxin-responsive GH3 family protein GH3.5, WES1 0.5138750311240027 48 AT3G44350 NAC domain containing protein 61 anac061, NAC061 0.5122611583214104 49 AT1G06920 ovate family protein 4 OFP4, ATOFP4 0.5080127263760071 63 AT2G33310 auxin-induced protein 13 IAA13 0.5077012452373728 51 AT4G33550 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein 0.507056146522593 52 AT3G28857 basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding family protein 0.5065616208972951 53 AT2G43590 Chitinase family protein 0.5025881740948287 54 AT1G77120 alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ATADH, ATADH1, ADH1, ADH 0.5017614853046465 55 AT3G28190 unknown protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknown; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; Has 2 Blast hits to 2 proteins in 1 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 2; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.5005870853508214 56 AT4G17030 expansin-like B1 ATHEXP BETA 3.1, AT-EXPR, EXPR, EXLB1, ATEXPR1, ATEXLB1 0.4922481777717924 57 AT5G19260 Protein of unknown function (DUF3049) 0.49016623454042135 58 AT1G02850 beta glucosidase 11 BGLU11 0.48998708015055153 59 AT5G58390 Peroxidase superfamily protein 0.486052210241542 60 AT5G52900 unknown protein; Has 30201 Blast hits to 17322 proteins in 780 species: Archae - 12; Bacteria - 1396; Metazoa - 17338; Fungi - 3422; Plants - 5037; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 2996 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.4827273981751997 63 AT5G55250 IAA carboxylmethyltransferase 1 IAMT1 0.4800245001247599 65 AT2G33020 receptor like protein 24 RLP24, AtRLP24 0.47374883693554004 71 AT4G27590 Heavy metal transport/detoxification superfamily protein 0.47169698998068577 67 AT1G74110 cytochrome P450, family 78, subfamily A, polypeptide 10 CYP78A10 0.47076887269107875 68 AT5G53900 Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK (With No Lysine)-related 0.45274880351898816 75 AT5G15160 BANQUO 2 BNQ2, BHLH134 0.4432332897889474 77 AT5G19550 aspartate aminotransferase 2 AAT2, ASP2 0.43637684082272843 78 AT3G58190 lateral organ boundaries-domain 29 LBD29, ASL16 0.4221511213892131 82 AT3G19200 unknown protein; BEST Arabidopsis thaliana protein match is: unknown protein (TAIR:AT4G34419.1); Has 51 Blast hits to 51 proteins in 10 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 51; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.4152309426923302 84 AT4G14819 Protein of unknown function (DUF1677) 0.4141554656160785 85 AT2G33300 Transcription elongation factor (TFIIS) family protein 0.40832534568933526 88 AT1G68350 unknown protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknown; LOCATED IN: mitochondrion; Has 20 Blast hits to 20 proteins in 7 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 20; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.39794755083677535 94 AT5G44578 unknown protein; FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknown; LOCATED IN: endomembrane system; Has 15 Blast hits to 15 proteins in 2 species: Archae - 0; Bacteria - 0; Metazoa - 0; Fungi - 0; Plants - 15; Viruses - 0; Other Eukaryotes - 0 (source: NCBI BLink). 0.39787231400168 95