Heatmap: Cluster_222 (HCCA)

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(Values are log2 transformed ratios of a genes expression in a sample divided by the mean expression level)

Sterile Leaflet
Fertile Leaflet with Sori
Primary Rachis
Pir_g21487 (UCC3)
- - - -7.59 2.32
Pir_g22164 (KCR1)
- - - -7.25 2.32
Pir_g22648 (CSLA2)
- - - -7.31 2.32
Pir_g22766 (UBDK GAMMA 7)
- - - -8.29 2.32
Pir_g22784 (TTN6)
- - - -7.42 2.32
Pir_g22872 (SPI)
- - - -7.69 2.32
Pir_g23723 (JAI3)
- - - -7.23 2.32
Pir_g23813 (JAI3)
- - - -7.91 2.32
Pir_g23831 (SYR1)
- - - -7.63 2.32
- - - -7.78 2.32
Pir_g24308 (PPC4)
- - - -7.37 2.32
- - - -8.22 2.32
- - - -7.87 2.32
Pir_g25335 (SCL8)
- - - -7.23 2.32
- - - -7.75 2.32
- - - -7.68 2.32
- - - -7.24 2.32
Pir_g27330 (ECR)
- - - -8.08 2.32
Pir_g28582 (HIT2)
- - - -7.56 2.32
- - - -7.18 2.32
- - - -8.07 2.32
- - - -7.5 2.32
Pir_g30214 (RFNR1)
- - - -7.96 2.32
Pir_g30425 (FRO2)
- - - -7.73 2.32
Pir_g30496 (gsl10)
- - - -7.36 2.32
- - - -7.56 2.32
Pir_g32609 (ACO1)
- - - -7.94 2.32
Pir_g32644 (GMI1)
- - - -7.78 2.32
- - - -7.49 2.32
Pir_g37152 (CNGC1)
- - - -7.13 2.32
- - - -7.11 2.32
- - - -8.28 2.32
- - - -7.42 2.32
Pir_g39988 (MOS1)
- - - -7.57 2.32
- - - -7.42 2.32
- - - -7.11 2.32
Pir_g46972 (SWEETIE)
- - - -7.33 2.32
Pir_g46990 (SDE1)
- - - -7.64 2.32
Pir_g47248 (CIPK4)
- - - -7.53 2.32
- - - -7.18 2.32
Pir_g48668 (ATG2)
- - - -7.53 2.32
Pir_g48844 (ACLB-2)
- - - -7.97 2.32
Pir_g49361 (WAVE2)
- - - -8.16 2.32
- - - -7.89 2.32
Pir_g50647 (AVP1)
- - - -8.33 2.32
- - - -7.81 2.32
Pir_g53221 (ERF1-3)
- - - -7.56 2.32
- - - -8.17 2.32
- - - -7.31 2.32
Pir_g55160 (NRT2.7)
- - - -7.66 2.32


Dark gray cells indicate values where the raw expression is zero (cannot be log-transformed). Blue cells indicate samples where the expression of the gene is below average and red cells indicate the gene is expressed above average in the sample. White cells are average.