Heatmap: Cluster_107 (HCCA)

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(Values are log2 transformed ratios of a genes expression in a sample divided by the mean expression level)

Sterile Leaflet
Fertile Leaflet with Sori
- - 1.96 -3.33
- - 1.97 -3.39
Aob_g24987 (CIF1)
- - 1.96 -3.32
- - 1.96 -3.38
Aob_g25265 (HAT5)
- - 1.96 -3.31
- - 1.97 -3.41
- - 1.96 -3.32
Aob_g25499 (NDR1)
- - 1.96 -3.31
Aob_g25513 (HRB1)
- - 1.97 -3.48
- - 1.97 -3.41
Aob_g25663 (OMT1)
- - 1.97 -3.43
Aob_g25892 (ARSK1)
- - 1.97 -3.41
- - 1.97 -3.4
Aob_g26294 (TIP4;1)
- - 1.97 -3.48
Aob_g26380 (NRT1.5)
- - 1.96 -3.38
Aob_g26594 (CZF2)
- - 1.96 -3.38
Aob_g26620 (CRF3)
- - 1.97 -3.43
Aob_g26639 (UGT76E12)
- - 1.97 -3.4
Aob_g26692 (AIR9)
- - 1.96 -3.35
- - 1.97 -3.44
Aob_g26893 (VPS32)
- - 1.97 -3.38
Aob_g26919 (OXY5)
- - 1.96 -3.33
Aob_g27096 (MTACP1)
- - 1.97 -3.47
- - 1.96 -3.31
- - 1.97 -3.48
- - 1.97 -3.47
Aob_g27796 (DEAR2)
- - 1.97 -3.42
Aob_g27879 (NRAMP6)
- - 1.97 -3.48
- - 1.97 -3.46
Aob_g28485 (GSTU1)
- - 1.96 -3.35
Aob_g28590 (GID1B)
- - 1.96 -3.36
- - 1.97 -3.44
- - 1.96 -3.33
Aob_g28902 (NUDX25)
- - 1.97 -3.43
Aob_g28975 (PKS5)
- - 1.96 -3.31
Aob_g29030 (OEP16-3)
- - 1.96 -3.31
Aob_g29095 (ALS3)
- - 1.96 -3.32
Aob_g29119 (CYP93D1)
- - 1.97 -3.43
- - 1.96 -3.33
- - 1.97 -3.44
Aob_g29593 (Y14)
- - 1.97 -3.42
- - 1.96 -3.32
Aob_g30013 (GSTZ2)
- - 1.97 -3.45
Aob_g30048 (HIS1-3)
- - 1.97 -3.46
Aob_g30056 (WPP2)
- - 1.97 -3.47
- - 1.96 -3.34
- - 1.96 -3.37
- - 1.97 -3.42
- - 1.97 -3.44
Aob_g30897 (CDF1)
- - 1.97 -3.45
Aob_g31143 (GA3)
- - 1.97 -3.41
Aob_g31287 (ACD11)
- - 1.97 -3.41
Aob_g31360 (DMR6)
- - 1.97 -3.46
Aob_g31411 (BHLH100)
- - 1.97 -3.47
- - 1.97 -3.38
- - 1.97 -3.41
- - 1.96 -3.33
Aob_g31883 (EBP)
- - 1.96 -3.38
- - 1.97 -3.46
- - 1.96 -3.35
- - 1.97 -3.38
Aob_g32311 (PS3)
- - 1.96 -3.31
Aob_g32319 (NFA3)
- - 1.96 -3.33
- - 1.96 -3.32
Aob_g32415 (VDAC1)
- - 1.97 -3.42
Aob_g32574 (CPN21)
- - 1.97 -3.39
Aob_g32743 (GPX2)
- - 1.96 -3.37
Aob_g32818 (BBC1)
- - 1.97 -3.42
Aob_g33263 (PDR12)
- - 1.97 -3.44
- - 1.96 -3.33
- - 1.96 -3.37
Aob_g33502 (GST10)
- - 1.97 -3.44
Aob_g33532 (PYD4)
- - 1.96 -3.34
- - 1.96 -3.33
- - 1.96 -3.36
- - 1.97 -3.39
- - 1.97 -3.45
- - 1.97 -3.43
Aob_g35121 (PEPKR2)
- - 1.96 -3.38
Aob_g35173 (ACBP)
- - 1.96 -3.35


Dark gray cells indicate values where the raw expression is zero (cannot be log-transformed). Blue cells indicate samples where the expression of the gene is below average and red cells indicate the gene is expressed above average in the sample. White cells are average.