Heatmap: Cluster_93 (HCCA)

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(Values are log2 transformed ratios of a genes expression in a sample divided by the mean expression level)

Sterile Leaflet
Fertile Leaflet with Sori
Aob_g20230 (UPL2)
- - 1.96 -3.17
- - 1.96 -3.16
- - 1.96 -3.23
Aob_g24900 (NIK2)
- - 1.96 -3.24
Aob_g25235 (GSTU8)
- - 1.96 -3.21
- - 1.96 -3.13
Aob_g25380 (GASA4)
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.12
Aob_g25667 (APA1)
- - 1.96 -3.16
- - 1.96 -3.11
- - 1.96 -3.24
- - 1.96 -3.19
Aob_g26012 (ELI3)
- - 1.96 -3.11
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.19
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g26456 (AILP1)
- - 1.96 -3.15
- - 1.96 -3.22
Aob_g26619 (TPI)
- - 1.96 -3.12
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g26682 (ADC2)
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.2
- - 1.96 -3.12
- - 1.96 -3.11
- - 1.96 -3.24
- - 1.96 -3.24
- - 1.96 -3.22
Aob_g27510 (UBC2)
- - 1.96 -3.2
- - 1.96 -3.16
Aob_g27605 (PPC3)
- - 1.96 -3.17
- - 1.96 -3.24
Aob_g27758 (MBF1B)
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.11
- - 1.96 -3.16
Aob_g28100 (CAD7)
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g28147 (PGL3)
- - 1.96 -3.16
Aob_g28331 (PFN1)
- - 1.96 -3.24
Aob_g28464 (TUF)
- - 1.96 -3.23
Aob_g28712 (GSTU9)
- - 1.96 -3.21
- - 1.96 -3.24
- - 1.96 -3.14
- - 1.96 -3.23
Aob_g29449 (STO)
- - 1.96 -3.14
Aob_g29501 (NRT1.7)
- - 1.96 -3.12
- - 1.96 -3.12
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g29605 (GSTL3)
- - 1.96 -3.23
- - 1.96 -3.22
- - 1.96 -3.15
- - 1.96 -3.24
- - 1.96 -3.19
- - 1.96 -3.13
- - 1.96 -3.21
- - 1.96 -3.17
- - 1.96 -3.16
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g31723 (CKI1)
- - 1.96 -3.19
- - 1.96 -3.18
- - 1.96 -3.24
Aob_g32140 (APM1)
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g32401 (SWEET3)
- - 1.96 -3.12
- - 1.96 -3.13
- - 1.96 -3.2
Aob_g32816 (FIS1A)
- - 1.96 -3.19
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g33092 (MGP1)
- - 1.96 -3.11
- - 1.96 -3.15
- - 1.96 -3.2
Aob_g33316 (TIP1;1)
- - 1.96 -3.21
Aob_g33392 (MYB32)
- - 1.96 -3.17
Aob_g33438 (GRX4)
- - 1.96 -3.11
- - 1.96 -3.24
- - 1.96 -3.19
Aob_g34137 (MMZ3)
- - 1.96 -3.17
- - 1.96 -3.14
- - 1.96 -3.2
Aob_g34762 (NF-YB10)
- - 1.96 -3.23
Aob_g34765 (AGD6)
- - 1.96 -3.12
- - 1.96 -3.16
Aob_g35378 (PP2-A13)
- - 1.96 -3.13
- - 1.96 -3.2


Dark gray cells indicate values where the raw expression is zero (cannot be log-transformed). Blue cells indicate samples where the expression of the gene is below average and red cells indicate the gene is expressed above average in the sample. White cells are average.