Heatmap: Cluster_91 (HCCA)

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(Values are log2 transformed ratios of a genes expression in a sample divided by the mean expression level)

Sterile Leaflet
Fertile Leaflet with Sori
Aob_g20177 (NRPE6A)
- - 1.92 -2.17
- - 1.91 -2.08
- - 1.91 -2.12
Aob_g21379 (HIS1-3)
- - 1.91 -2.07
Aob_g21924 (PAB8)
- - 1.92 -2.18
- - 1.92 -2.16
Aob_g25045 (PRE)
- - 1.92 -2.2
- - 1.92 -2.16
- - 1.91 -2.08
Aob_g25512 (TRANS11)
- - 1.91 -2.1
- - 1.91 -2.12
Aob_g25918 (CXXS1)
- - 1.92 -2.17
Aob_g26078 (PKS2)
- - 1.91 -2.11
- - 1.92 -2.2
- - 1.92 -2.15
- - 1.92 -2.16
Aob_g26636 (CAD1)
- - 1.92 -2.15
Aob_g26833 (CID7)
- - 1.91 -2.06
Aob_g27209 (BZIP9)
- - 1.91 -2.11
Aob_g27225 (PBB2)
- - 1.92 -2.14
- - 1.91 -2.05
- - 1.92 -2.18
- - 1.92 -2.16
- - 1.92 -2.2
- - 1.92 -2.18
- - 1.92 -2.18
Aob_g28296 (AVP1)
- - 1.91 -2.13
- - 1.92 -2.15
Aob_g28609 (CSY2)
- - 1.91 -2.11
Aob_g29060 (APA1)
- - 1.91 -2.06
- - 1.91 -2.09
-8.08 -8.6 1.91 -2.09
- - 1.92 -2.2
- - 1.92 -2.14
- - 1.92 -2.19
- - 1.91 -2.12
Aob_g29769 (FKBP15-1)
- - 1.92 -2.13
Aob_g29984 (ATMP2)
- - 1.92 -2.15
- - 1.91 -2.08
- - 1.91 -2.1
Aob_g30348 (TIM17)
- - 1.92 -2.18
Aob_g30547 (NOI)
- - 1.91 -2.11
- - 1.92 -2.14
Aob_g30673 (BBC1)
- - 1.91 -2.11
- - 1.92 -2.18
- - 1.91 -2.06
- - 1.91 -2.08
- - 1.91 -2.1
Aob_g31012 (DIN6)
- - 1.92 -2.16
- - 1.91 -2.09
- - 1.92 -2.17
- - 1.91 -2.06
- - 1.91 -2.09
Aob_g31304 (WRKY11)
- - 1.91 -2.1
- - 1.91 -2.12
- - 1.92 -2.17
- - 1.91 -2.06
- - 1.91 -2.09
- - 1.92 -2.13
Aob_g31884 (RAP2.2)
-7.55 - 1.92 -2.17
Aob_g31952 (PGL3)
- - 1.91 -2.1
Aob_g32037 (RPL18)
- - 1.92 -2.17
- - 1.91 -2.1
Aob_g32704 (ECA4)
- - 1.92 -2.16
- - 1.91 -2.05
Aob_g32980 (MAMI)
- - 1.91 -2.05
- - 1.92 -2.18
- - 1.91 -2.11
- - 1.91 -2.08
- - 1.91 -2.08
- - 1.91 -2.06
Aob_g34838 (SVB)
- - 1.91 -2.06
Aob_g34966 (C/VIF1)
- - 1.92 -2.17
Aob_g35039 (HSP17.4)
- - 1.92 -2.13
- - 1.91 -2.08
- - 1.91 -2.11


Dark gray cells indicate values where the raw expression is zero (cannot be log-transformed). Blue cells indicate samples where the expression of the gene is below average and red cells indicate the gene is expressed above average in the sample. White cells are average.