Heatmap: Cluster_99 (HCCA)

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(Values are log2 transformed ratios of a genes expression in a sample divided by the mean expression level)

Sterile Leaflet
Fertile Leaflet with Sori
Aob_g19983 (RPN13)
- - 1.95 -2.78
Aob_g20012 (PKS7)
- - 1.95 -2.77
Aob_g20264 (BE3)
- - 1.94 -2.66
- - 1.94 -2.71
Aob_g24762 (AVP1)
- - 1.94 -2.72
Aob_g24952 (BGLU4)
- - 1.95 -2.78
Aob_g25010 (NLM6)
- - 1.94 -2.66
Aob_g25440 (ATMP2)
- - 1.94 -2.72
- - 1.94 -2.67
Aob_g25596 (DWF7)
- - 1.94 -2.72
- - 1.95 -2.75
- - 1.95 -2.78
- - 1.95 -2.74
Aob_g26258 (NTF2A)
- - 1.94 -2.67
- - 1.94 -2.67
Aob_g26353 (HAP2C)
- - 1.94 -2.69
- - 1.95 -2.76
- - 1.94 -2.65
- - 1.95 -2.74
- - 1.94 -2.71
- - 1.94 -2.67
Aob_g26927 (PPCK1)
- - 1.94 -2.7
- - 1.94 -2.71
Aob_g27268 (BGLU32)
-9.11 - 1.94 -2.75
- - 1.94 -2.66
- - 1.94 -2.72
- - 1.94 -2.7
Aob_g28455 (RPL18)
- - 1.95 -2.75
- - 1.95 -2.77
- - 1.94 -2.68
- - 1.94 -2.71
- - 1.94 -2.66
- - 1.94 -2.71
- - 1.94 -2.73
Aob_g29367 (WRKY7)
- - 1.95 -2.74
- - 1.94 -2.73
- - 1.94 -2.72
Aob_g29536 (NAC019)
- - 1.94 -2.69
- - 1.95 -2.78
Aob_g29707 (XBAT35)
- - 1.95 -2.74
Aob_g29775 (NRPB4)
- - 1.94 -2.73
- - 1.94 -2.67
- - 1.94 -2.72
- - 1.95 -2.76
- - 1.94 -2.72
- - 1.94 -2.69
Aob_g30530 (SCL30A)
- - 1.94 -2.65
- - 1.94 -2.7
Aob_g30563 (CCR2)
- - 1.94 -2.73
- - 1.95 -2.78
Aob_g30773 (MAB1)
- - 1.95 -2.75
Aob_g30823 (HAP1)
- - 1.94 -2.68
Aob_g30893 (GATA15)
- - 1.94 -2.69
Aob_g30905 (AP3)
- - 1.94 -2.7
- - 1.94 -2.68
- - 1.95 -2.78
Aob_g31309 (ATRZ-1A)
- - 1.94 -2.68
- - 1.94 -2.72
Aob_g31482 (AILP1)
- - 1.95 -2.76
Aob_g31502 (CSD1)
- - 1.94 -2.67
Aob_g31504 (SYP71)
- - 1.95 -2.75
- - 1.95 -2.76
- - 1.95 -2.76
Aob_g31687 (SAG21)
- - 1.94 -2.7
Aob_g31731 (UFD1)
- - 1.94 -2.66
- - 1.95 -2.77
Aob_g31841 (WRKY65)
- - 1.94 -2.74
Aob_g31856 (CYP81D1)
- - 1.94 -2.67
Aob_g32148 (SGT1A)
- - 1.95 -2.76
Aob_g32175 (SMO1-1)
-8.19 - 1.94 -2.74
- - 1.94 -2.65
Aob_g32674 (PDI2)
- - 1.94 -2.68
Aob_g32819 (JAR1)
- - 1.95 -2.77
- - 1.94 -2.74
Aob_g33287 (RED1)
- - 1.94 -2.71
- - 1.95 -2.77
- - 1.94 -2.69
- - 1.95 -2.74
- - 1.94 -2.67
Aob_g35128 (DYL1)
- - 1.94 -2.65


Dark gray cells indicate values where the raw expression is zero (cannot be log-transformed). Blue cells indicate samples where the expression of the gene is below average and red cells indicate the gene is expressed above average in the sample. White cells are average.