GO:0005381: iron ion transmembrane transporter activity (Molecular function)

"Enables the transfer of iron (Fe) ions from one side of a membrane to the other." [GOC:ai]

There are 2806 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_280 Actinostachys digitata 0.82 % 0.006538 0.025488
Cluster_95 Angiopteris evecta 0.69 % 0.005804 0.02013
Cluster_33 Alsophila spinulosa 1.21 % 0.000979 0.017915
Cluster_29 Alsophila spinulosa 2.11 % 0.000327 0.008376
Cluster_153 Ceratopteris richardii 1.67 % 0.014558 0.046585
Cluster_86 Ceratopteris richardii 4.17 % 1e-06 1.1e-05
Cluster_85 Ceratopteris richardii 2.5 % 0.000166 0.003035
Cluster_71 Diplazium proliferum (Lam.) Kaulf. 1.05 % 0.012201 0.040776
Cluster_131 Ginkgo biloba 5.26 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_55 Lindsaea ensifolia 1.06 % 0.000527 0.010691
Cluster_49 Microlepia speluncae 1.64 % 0.007454 0.040557
Cluster_38 Marchantia polymorpha 1.02 % 0.002754 0.015892
Cluster_59 Oryza sativa 1.54 % 0.006149 0.019403
Cluster_100 Picea abies 0.63 % 0.004767 0.01333
Cluster_4 Psilotum nudum 0.55 % 0.01601 0.048815
Cluster_52 Physcomitrella patens 1.19 % 0.002588 0.024154
Cluster_73 Salvinia molesta 1.35 % 0.000115 0.009627
Cluster_13 Stenochlaena palustris 1.68 % 6.3e-05 0.003312
Cluster_92 Zea mays 1.2 % 0.007962 0.021813
Cluster_24 Zea mays 1.54 % 0.006239 0.047168
Cluster_84 Arabidopsis thaliana 1.18 % 0.001299 0.012721
Sequences (2806) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro Domains

Family Terms