GO:0004332: fructose-bisphosphate aldolase activity (Molecular function)

"Catalysis of the reaction: D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate = glycerone phosphate + D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate." [EC:]

There are 6537 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_70 Abrodictyum obscurum 2.08 % 0.016481 0.048515
Cluster_326 Actinostachys digitata 6.0 % 0.0 1.2e-05
Cluster_39 Adiantum latifolium 1.16 % 0.000112 0.001234
Cluster_226 Alsophila latebrosa 3.03 % 0.000215 0.000815
Cluster_213 Alsophila latebrosa 1.33 % 0.001104 0.006303
Cluster_271 Amblovenatum opulentum 1.46 % 0.00061 0.00485
Cluster_130 Amblovenatum opulentum 1.18 % 0.000936 0.008214
Cluster_62 Cibotium barometz 1.36 % 0.001347 0.015333
Cluster_441 Cibotium barometz 3.33 % 0.010942 0.037721
Cluster_56 Cibotium barometz 1.22 % 0.001672 0.011056
Cluster_8 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 1.75 % 0.012791 0.035856
Cluster_84 Dicranopteris curranii 1.35 % 0.011338 0.04927
Cluster_114 Davallia denticulata 1.1 % 0.001054 0.004658
Cluster_93 Davallia denticulata 1.75 % 0.015064 0.036975
Cluster_69 Lindsaea ensifolia 1.15 % 0.017255 0.04612
Cluster_43 Lindsaea ensifolia 1.14 % 0.000553 0.002309
Cluster_77 Microlepia speluncae 1.41 % 0.012979 0.040213
Cluster_32 Marchantia polymorpha 1.47 % 0.000289 0.001706
Cluster_202 Nephrolepis biserrata 50.0 % 0.000221 0.001078
Cluster_165 Nephrolepis biserrata 1.65 % 7.1e-05 0.001385
Cluster_173 Oryza sativa 1.89 % 0.010007 0.042774
Cluster_162 Pleocnemia irregularis 3.33 % 0.000107 0.021952
Cluster_85 Pleocnemia irregularis 1.85 % 0.013663 0.04682
Cluster_142 Physcomitrella patens 1.19 % 0.005169 0.034361
Cluster_260 Pyrrosia piloselloides 1.54 % 0.024909 0.049507
Cluster_10 Salvinia molesta 1.07 % 0.001429 0.006566
Cluster_43 Salvinia molesta 1.65 % 0.000604 0.006037
Cluster_50 Solanum lycopersicum 2.3 % 0.000286 0.047215
Cluster_48 Stenochlaena palustris 1.1 % 0.00115 0.007437
Cluster_13 Vitis vinifera 1.36 % 0.000306 0.013201
Cluster_116 Vitis vinifera 2.0 % 0.009454 0.0245
Cluster_157 Zea mays 2.33 % 0.007218 0.02249
Sequences (6537) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro and Family associations disabled for items with more than 5000 associated sequences !