GO:0046348: amino sugar catabolic process (Biological process)

"The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of any amino sugar, sugars containing an amino group in place of a hydroxyl group." [GOC:curators]

There are 5173 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_120 Abrodictyum obscurum 2.44 % 0.011291 0.033277
Cluster_38 Actinostachys digitata 1.04 % 0.009539 0.044195
Cluster_280 Actinostachys digitata 0.82 % 0.012107 0.036922
Cluster_130 Adiantum latifolium 1.96 % 0.00514 0.017649
Cluster_102 Alsophila latebrosa 1.06 % 0.011644 0.043819
Cluster_46 Alsophila latebrosa 0.79 % 0.015704 0.032162
Cluster_148 Amblovenatum opulentum 1.09 % 0.008974 0.044253
Cluster_94 Alsophila spinulosa 3.49 % 5e-06 0.000177
Cluster_64 Alsophila spinulosa 3.23 % 0.000276 0.004067
Cluster_51 Cibotium barometz 1.96 % 0.005146 0.024588
Cluster_94 Cibotium barometz 0.72 % 0.013872 0.047465
Cluster_156 Ceratopteris richardii 1.79 % 0.003037 0.012861
Cluster_120 Dicranopteris curranii 1.33 % 0.012918 0.027343
Cluster_70 Davallia denticulata 1.72 % 0.009879 0.049001
Cluster_21 Ginkgo biloba 4.44 % 0.000343 0.000852
Cluster_123 Ginkgo biloba 5.66 % 4e-06 3.9e-05
Cluster_137 Ginkgo biloba 1.83 % 0.001989 0.005111
Cluster_303 Ginkgo biloba 33.33 % 0.001815 0.006598
Cluster_51 Lygodium flexuosum 2.0 % 0.007242 0.031107
Cluster_125 Nephrolepis biserrata 2.17 % 0.005083 0.045447
Cluster_47 Ophioglossum reticulatum 1.64 % 0.010646 0.046891
Cluster_144 Oryza sativa 3.45 % 0.000249 0.002969
Cluster_92 Picea abies 1.69 % 0.002802 0.027638
Cluster_146 Picea abies 14.04 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_37 Psilotum nudum 1.56 % 0.007485 0.024008
Cluster_305 Physcomitrella patens 100.0 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_225 Pyrrosia piloselloides 1.75 % 0.007052 0.026852
Cluster_95 Salvinia molesta 1.16 % 0.000157 0.001691
Cluster_186 Salvinia molesta 1.69 % 0.00664 0.045596
Cluster_112 Solanum lycopersicum 5.88 % 0.0 2e-06
Cluster_23 Solanum lycopersicum 2.56 % 0.001382 0.016263
Cluster_68 Stenochlaena palustris 1.28 % 0.01617 0.048828
Cluster_48 Stenochlaena palustris 1.1 % 0.000638 0.008061
Cluster_42 Tectaria incisa 0.82 % 0.015619 0.032197
Cluster_52 Arabidopsis thaliana 1.54 % 0.00235 0.02942
Sequences (5173) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro and Family associations disabled for items with more than 5000 associated sequences !