GO:0022839: monoatomic ion gated channel activity (Molecular function)

"Enables the transmembrane transfer of a solute by a channel that opens in response to a specific ion stimulus." [GOC:mtg_transport]

There are 11156 sequences with this label.

Enriched clusters
Name Species % in cluster p-value corrected p-value action
Cluster_315 Amblovenatum opulentum 3.03 % 0.000359 0.005182
Cluster_304 Amblovenatum opulentum 3.45 % 0.000277 0.003883
Cluster_227 Alsophila spinulosa 33.33 % 0.002139 0.010365
Cluster_32 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2.63 % 0.00137 0.046036
Cluster_1 Diplazium proliferum (Lam.) Kaulf. 1.69 % 0.001561 0.027675
Cluster_420 Dicranopteris curranii 33.33 % 0.000808 0.006465
Cluster_212 Ginkgo biloba 25.0 % 0.002612 0.016325
Cluster_88 Ginkgo biloba 1.45 % 0.003682 0.01466
Cluster_55 Ginkgo biloba 1.09 % 0.006437 0.033033
Cluster_132 Lindsaea ensifolia 2.44 % 0.011549 0.029124
Cluster_52 Lindsaea ensifolia 1.94 % 0.00039 0.002729
Cluster_46 Lindsaea ensifolia 2.33 % 0.012109 0.045642
Cluster_33 Lygodium flexuosum 3.45 % 0.000665 0.0057
Cluster_175 Microlepia speluncae 4.55 % 0.000253 0.00753
Cluster_147 Microlepia speluncae 1.54 % 0.033965 0.049603
Cluster_76 Microlepia speluncae 1.9 % 8.1e-05 0.001936
Cluster_162 Ophioglossum reticulatum 4.65 % 0.000323 0.001775
Cluster_179 Oryza sativa 4.55 % 0.000424 0.001968
Cluster_741 Picea abies 50.0 % 0.00123 0.003486
Cluster_94 Picea abies 4.08 % 0.000427 0.002504
Cluster_114 Picea abies 3.0 % 3.4e-05 0.001006
Cluster_226 Pleocnemia irregularis 1.18 % 0.002822 0.033531
Cluster_22 Pleocnemia irregularis 4.65 % 0.000186 0.012754
Cluster_116 Pleocnemia irregularis 1.89 % 0.001127 0.03031
Cluster_18 Pyrrosia piloselloides 1.82 % 0.001137 0.021823
Cluster_217 Salvinia molesta 75.0 % 0.0 0.0
Cluster_225 Salvinia molesta 16.67 % 0.003606 0.014424
Cluster_66 Salvinia cucullata 1.9 % 0.003149 0.031292
Cluster_329 Stenochlaena palustris 50.0 % 0.000905 0.002366
Cluster_134 Stenochlaena palustris 3.7 % 0.000278 0.00282
Cluster_266 Tectaria incisa 50.0 % 0.001074 0.002454
Cluster_18 Vitis vinifera 4.17 % 0.001757 0.008919
Cluster_163 Zea mays 1.07 % 0.00564 0.021419
Cluster_235 Arabidopsis thaliana 25.0 % 0.008938 0.042902
Cluster_245 Arabidopsis thaliana 50.0 % 0.004479 0.019349
Cluster_29 Arabidopsis thaliana 3.57 % 0.007045 0.045659
Cluster_36 Arabidopsis thaliana 2.86 % 0.001709 0.027066
Cluster_121 Arabidopsis thaliana 2.6 % 0.012989 0.039376
Sequences (11156) (download table)

Info: GO-associations disabled for items with more than 300 associated sequences !
InterPro and Family associations disabled for items with more than 5000 associated sequences !